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  1. Yesterday
  2. Hi I'm new to F Pace ownership and have recently purchased a 2017 3 litre to replace my R/R sport TDV8. And I'm loving the Jag after nearly 30 years of R/Rovers. But my concern is the lack of spare wheel there are loads of choices but I have 22" rims fitted and none of the 18" or 19" space saver wheels have the same rolling circumference. When imputing the tyre dimensions into a comparison calculator they are massive difference in overall circumference. The question is how does this affect the all wheel drive system on the F Pace as with the R/rover all 4 corners must be the same size or it buggers up the diffs some how. So what size wheel and tyre is safe to use with 22" rims on the other 3 corners. I would appreciate any info and feedback as a search of the form has thrown up no info. Pete.
  3. Goains thod Morning, An orange engine fault light has come up on my dashboard, also when I brake I get a faint? [geting old and deaf]] buzzing or humming noise, very brief, the brakes seem to work OK, I have done a couple of emergancy stops to test them. any person with more brains than me {not dificult} know what is happening? Jaguar S type 2006 63000 miles thankyou
  4. Hi, I am looking for technical support & advise from the experts. I am stuck in Jaguar XJL 3.0 DIESEL 2019 MODEL, Audio system is not working as it was a flood loss car, car is in running condition, but Audio system is not working. I have ordered a used Audio module along with amplifier, but it is not working technician said because of different part number it is not working the part number of ordered part is:GX6319C211AH & The part which was in the car JW9319C211AA.I have done most of the investigation in this scenario but not able to conclude. Now i am getting another Part which part number is: JW9319C211CA will that part compatible in our vehicle if not then which part number is compatible. VIN:SAJAC2655JTJ76912 Looking forward for the correct answer.
  5. Last week
  6. Hi Gordon, welcome to the wonderful world of Jaguar motoring - a really helpful crew of enthusiasts on here, so ask away if you need advice. N6 JMX
  7. HI Ladies and Gentleman ,just joined the forum and i am sure i will have questions for you at some point Regards Gordon
  8. Thank you Jim.. I'm on it!!!
  9. How much without the insert?
  10. Thanks Jim, I'll take a look later (when the frost melts!) Jon
  11. BUYING A USED LUXURY CAR 1. Check out the seller. 2, If it's a trader check them out with Companies House online. Costs nothing. If they don't have a good looking website or pictures of their site and garage facilities, or they are in a backstreet lot in the middle of nowhere, be wary. Ignore their reviews. 4. If it's a private sale, search google. 4. Get the VIN number from the seller (it's on the V5). Use this to contact Jaguar to find out what optional extras were not purchased when the car was registered. You are looking for things like front and rear parking sensors; voice control; reverse parking camera. In fact everything you were expecting from the car. Beware getting a car which is missing stuff that you take for granted from the user manual (get one online from Jaguar) 4. If everything above gives you some confidence, ignore the advertisement number and phone them on their registered landline you discover in (2). If the number is a mobile and they are a trader ask them for a land line to call. They're unlikely to give you one but it should reduce your confidence in them if they don't. 5. Ask them if they have the following ready to hand over on collection, should you decide to go ahead: Current V5; Service history book with (all) stamps; Service invoices for all past services; invoices for interim work and for repairs. They won't have everything but you'll know what you're buying. 6. Ensure that they are willing to have an onsite Pre-Purchase inspection of the car, 7. Arrange a pre-purchase inspection of the car. I used ClickMechanic and paid around £300, but there are plenty of other providers. Believe me when I say it saved me a fortune in money, time and confidence by stopping me buying a really dodgy car from a possibly dodgy dealer and previous owner. 8. Before the inspection, tell the mechanic everything you have discovered so far, and clarify what the report will and will not cover. Make sure it includes a full electronic diagnosis (they will probably negotiate the additional price on this since it's a simple task to plug into the diagnostic port while they are onsite). Ask the mechanic to cover whatever else is troubling you and negotiate the additional cost. Talk to the mechanic and discuss the report. 9. If possible, go to see the car and observe for yourself the exterior and interior, and the condition of the wheels and tyres. Ask for the car to be cleaned beforehand and note any scuffs which might require professional attention - you can only polish out so much if the paint layer has been damaged. If you're happy, go ahead!
  12. Hi Kevin, frustrating isn't it. Have you tried suppliers who work with the international market - like SNG Barrett, they have warehouse facilities in Europe. Alternatively, try further afield for LH drive vehicles, e.g. USA. In some instances, getting the correct part number from the Jaguar Classic website is a good starting point because you can then put that into your search engine and international hits can be found. N6 JMX
  13. Hi Steve, given that Jon has confirmed that your existing wheels are original fit, have you now visited the Kwik Fit website and inserted your registration number to see a list of tyres suitable for your vehicle? You don't need to buy any tyres from Kwik Fit, but their website assistance is very good. N6 JMX
  14. Hi Brett, despair not, this is actually quite a common failing and, believe it or not, DVLA HAVE been trying to be helpful, just in their own manner. You will need to have an inspection of your car completed by a Jaguar Club that is recognised as being capable / registered to complete the DVLA report - there are a lot more numbers to locate on the car and check against the practical aspects of your car than you may at first think. First up, you should apply to the Jaguar Daimler Heritage Trust (JDHT) to seek a Heritage Certificate for your car - this is like a birth certificate and provides the starting point for any inspection. Next, I suggest you join the Jaguar Enthusiasts Club (JEC), where you will be able to get in touch with the Club's DVLA liaison officer. He can arrange for someone from the Club who is more local to you (I do them in Scotland) to visit and conduct an inspection - there is usually a charity donation / expenses fee for the inspection. Once the Report is completed by the Inspector, he submits that to the Club's DVLA Liaison Officer who submits it to DVLA with the appropriate letters and photographs - from the Inspector. DVLA paperwork / registration usually follows very swiftly thereafter. Don't knock or plead your case direct with the DVLA, or insist that your mechanic / engineer is qualified to complete a report - DVLA have their own processes and if they are not adhered to, the result is frustration. You should find the JDHT and the JEC easily online, but if you have any issues, come back here and I will try and advise further. N6 JMX
  15. Hi Jon, check that the exhaust is still firmly attached to the rear of the car. The rear support beams are prone to corrosion and the exhaust bracketry fails, causing the exhaust to start thrumming. N6 JMX
  16. I have a Jaguar XF 2009/10. I have this problem. No comms option on menu. No Voice Control on anything. Bluetooth and phone working fine, Ideally I would like a simple solution (e.g. download an upgrade and upload to the car - here is the explanation of how you do that). Or failing that a detailed explanation of what needs to be done (e,g, go to a Jaguar dealer and suck it up). Or failing that a suggestion of where I should look to find useful help, Does no-one on this forum answer a question with a helpful answer rather than a cryptic answer involving their two years of struggling with the problem and exhibiting their detailed knowledge of all the unexplained acronyms which they have found along the way and still fail to explain? Thanks in advance for putting up with my rant.
  17. too good to scrap i have my s type looking for a new home mot failer spares or repair had front wings replaced all under sealed recent brakes done all round gearbox been changed since ive had it engine and gearbox are sweet no warning lights starts first time and drives smooth new tyre on spare failed mot on bushes all round also advisorys as well ,worth more than scrap value any offers considered brian 07729546507
  18. Hi All, I'm wondering if anyone can suggest the source of a droning sound coming from the left rear of my 2017 XF-S 3.0D. I'm thinking it must be exhaust related since it happens at any speed and in any gear, even when stationary and gently revved. It isn't particularly annoying, but it is beginning to bug me! Any suggestions gratefully received! Cheers, Jon
  19. The wheels fitted are 6.5 J x 16 so the 205 tyres are correct ones
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