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I'm stuck and really looking for some help....

The Story goes...

Firstly my power steering pump stopped working, which led to the power steering cog coming off whilst driving along the road, which of course caused the belt to loosen. I have since replaced the power steering pump then it was time to refit the belt... The easy bit they say.... 

Firstly i had to find a diagram as the belt was all over the place, but still in a usable condition so now the belt is fitted following diagrams found online. But when i loosened the tensionor i didn't really get much play in it, so un did the bolt holding the tensionor to the block this caused what i can only explain as " Metal Plys " to appear, once i had the belt on the tensionor, these metal " plys " no longer met there holes... 

I went ahead and started to do the tensionor bolt back up, hoping the bolt would force the " plys " in there holes as i turnt the bolt, this didnt happen! 

ive attached a few pics (not great ones)

ive come to terms that i must be doing something stupidly wrong as this as be said a few times that this is a 10min job, im sure i will feel very embarrassed once someone tells me just how easy it.

Note: im sorry if your reading this and thinking what the hell is this bloke on about!!





Hi Ben,


I actually know what you are on about, but don't know the solution, as having company cars for 30 years I got used to someone else getting oily hands.


I am sure that someone will know how to do that job and will be along shortly to explain how it it is done.






May sound daft but sure the tensioner needed undoing? As the last one I did (ford 2.3 scorpio) I just had to put a spanner on and push down enough to lever tensioner enough to get the belt on.

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