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Hi everyone I've just bought and received a 3 button key fob for my 2001 3L.V6SE s-type off evil bay as the seller said it could be programed to my car is there a way to do this as everywhere I have looked seems to be for newer s-types not old ones

Any help would be great



Would it of been cheaper to of gone somewhere else



Hi Dus,


There is an auto locksmith, a mobile service, based in Birmingham.


They are vehicle key programming specialists.




0121 288 1031,


Worth trying.




I can't vouch for this as I haven't tried it in detail but there are a few options for DIY programming shown here:




If you can make it work, do let me know as I'm in the same boat, recently bought Jag with 1 key fob, and an eBay sourced spare that is yet unprogrammed. If I have a chance to try it I'll report back on any success or lack of it ;) 


Hi Russ

It might be me it might be my Jag as I have tried all different ways but I don't get a chirp a blip a beep or any other sound for that matter when turning the key 4 times very fast or very slow from 0-2 or 1-2 I have tried it with drivers door open door closed door and boot open as it has been mentioned on the tinternet and yet still no.sounds



Hi Dus,


I had a very cursory try of one of the methods, and mine was like yours, no beeping, so perhaps it is a red herring or just doesn't work for our models. I may give it a proper run through, but I'm not hopeful!


If you find someone sensible to do this for you, please let me know, happy to pay and or send away for it. A local jag independent suggested £90 for key and £60 for fob. The local Chant locksmiths cut me a transponder key for £64 and the eBay fob was £15, so I'm still slightly ahead ;)


Cheers, Russ


Hi Russ I've give up at the moment it's doing my head in lol


Sorry for passing on the info Dus, I wonder if the whole thing is a joke! Turning ignition on and off and fiddling with indicator stalks and such seemed an unlikely way to program a Jag fob, has anyone ever actually made this work, and if so which model and which method? 


I'm thinking it might work for other models and maybe the later s-types I just don't know


A local independent is going to do my spare next week, my original is in poor condition so tempted to either send that off to an eBay refurb service, or buy a 2nd spare and have the indie do both. Refurb is c£20, any ideas on the programming process or costs anyone? Thanks ;)


I read somewhere that the only way to re-code the key in the car is by having 2 coded keys to start with. If you only have 1 key you will need to visit a jag dealer or indy  who has the required kit to do it.

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