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Hello I am new in this forum

I bought x type 2001 had not parking sensors, I am trying to install some I bought a used Jaguar used 2003 but can not work with that.

I need to do some alteration or already exists pre-installation?

Someone can help me?


Sorry Diamantino, are you saying that you have bought a 2001 X Type along with a 2003 X Type that you wish to transfer the parking sensors from the 2003 on to the 2001?

Can you please give us a full explanation in order that we can assist you


I bought a Jaguar X type 2001 had not parking sensors.


I went to the junkyard and bought a set of sensors and equipment of a type X 2003.


I tried to install on my x type and does not work, I changed one of the sensors that were damaged, still not working.


What could it be?


Firstly has you your 2001 model got the wiring loom and all necessary equipment to run the parking sensors or was it totally without which is why you bought the necessary from the scrapyard from a donor 2003 model.

Its an easy method to establish if a sensor is working or not, they work on a daisy chain, if one of the 4 is not working then all four will not work.

To establish if a sensor is not working simply get a competent person to sit in the driver side and switch the ignition on remembering to engage the handbrake whilst you place your year to the first sensor get them to select reverse the sensor should make a clicking sound if it does not then the sensor is defunct. Do this in turn to all four sensors to establish what is working or not. Replace with new sensrs and all should work if you have the necessary cables within the loom for the parking sensors

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