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Hi guys. I posted about a week ago in the newbie forum when I joined and mentioned this same problem.

I bought an X type about 3 weeks ago, 2.1 V6 manual. When I bought it, everything seemed fine but the Oil level was really high. When I got it back home in Nottingham a few days later, I noticed an Oil leak. I checked the Oil level which was low, so topped it up to the right level. I checked it a couple of days later and the oil level was over. Not by much so I chose to ignore it. The dip stick on this car has a severe kink in it so I've come to the conclusion I need to ignore it.

When I got back I started to feel the car juddering, first only when cold and at lower speeds, but now also at higher speeds and when the engine gets warm.

As per the suggestions on my last post about the fuel system, I put in Redex and went on a drive to York and back to run it through. It got worse so took it to Halfords (no one else would fit it in on the day) for them to check it over.

They told me the oil was SEVERELY overfilled and so did an oil change, replaced the sump gasket which was leaking, and flushed the fuel and oil system. It was still juddering but was told by halfords to expect it as there would be oil in the inlet manifold that would need to be burnt off.

I took it to F1 yesterday to get the wheel alignment done as that was out and it was grinding when on a sharp corner. I then got told that my car had the wrong tyres on it and that they were for a Nissan Qashqai!!!! These have now been changed but I'm hoping it's not caused damage to the car.

I've gone out in it tonight, hoping the juddering wouldn't be so bad as it should be getting better. I got down the road and got lots of juddering. I then got constant severe juddering on one part of the road and the engine management light flashing at me. I pulled over and the light flashed at me for 30 seconds before going off. I continued driving and there was an improvement but still with the odd judder. The engine light has never come on before so this is definitely not getting better, it's getting worse.

I am getting really REALLY concerned about this now. I need to drive to Essex on Thursday and I'm now dreading the idea of this car breaking down on the M1.

If anyone has seen this before or who knows what this is, I would really appreciate your help.

Many thanks in advance.



Hi David

Not an expert at all, but I'm starting to think either your spark plugs are soaked in Oil or perhaps clutch / gearbox maybe two extremes I know, but just a thought. are there any noises associated with the juddering?


Hi Claws,

Thanks for your suggestions. I've booked it in for new plugs, a manifold clean and new transmission and clutch fluid tomorrow. Fingers crossed that's it.

In regards to noises, there is no noise when it decides to judder, but there is a faint whirring noise when driving that wasn't there when I bought it. I think it's the gear box so transmission fluid change should sort that (hopefully).

Oddly enough after I went to the garage to book it in, I sat in the car park and left it running while I was sorting something on my phone. Once I left, the temp gauge was in the middle (usually sits a couple of mil to the left of it) and it worked perfectly. I did a junction and back on the M1 and it was fine. I got back near home and the temp had dropped to just below half and I got the odd judder again. Most annoying! Why is it I can see this car bankrupting me?

Thanks again for your help.


Hi David

As a suggestion, you could ask your garage, to take her for a test drive (if not done already) it may give a clearer idea of what the problem is.

Let's hope the work your getting done sorts it out, keep us posted!




Long overdue update.

It seems the juddering issue has largely gone. A drive to Essex and back with Redex in the tank seems to have cleared the majority of the crap in the system. It does the odd judder now and then but I can live with it for a bit.

The other mechanical issue is the whining noise that gets louder depending on speed (nothing to do with acceleration). I'm guessing it's the gearbox and it might just need the transmission fluid changing. It's 13 years old and done 95k so the make up of the fluid has probably started to break down. It's a manual and I've been told that it shouldn't do that in a manual but it's got to give some time surely? A quick trip to Jagtech in Nottingham should get to the bottom of it.

On a not so nice note, I've had a moron smash into the front passenger side wing whilst parked in M&S Lakeside car park in essex. Luckily I've sourced a replacement wing on fleabay in the exact colour so should be a straightforward swap. I'll put up a new post for advice on fitting that separately. I'm just starting to feel that this car is cursed. :(

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