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hello everyone ,im new to this site.i own a 1999 s type 4.0 v8 . this car has every factory option that was available it is fully loaded. my question is , can anyboby help me validate previous owners as this car was first owned by Jaguar themselves. who as i am told gave it to Sir Jackie Stewart to use it had the reg of P1 JYS issued to vehicle.i know mr stewart owns this plate and that it is now on his range rover .any help would be great .im trying to value this car for agreed value insurance as to me this is one of a kind vehicle that simply can not be replaced. many thanks,Paul  p.s what a great site .


Hi Paul, you used to be able to write to the dvla and ask for a list of previous owners so long as you had good reason for asking. I would have thought a hpi check would reveal previous registration numbers used on your car. Also if you have any jaguar service history they also may be able to help.

Hope that helps and let us know how you get on. 


Hi Paul and welcome to the Club.

Tony has pointed you in the right direction.  I think that if you wrote to the DVLA they might well give you the information they need.

When I got my car the service history plus previous MOTs were there and I was able, luckily, to establish who had owned the car before me.



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