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Hi all, got a problem with the key fob on my x type diesel, basicly it wont work, I have to open the car with the key and put the key in the ignition and turn the ignition on straight away or the alarm goes off, only the drivers door unlocks the rest has to be done manualy, locking the car is done with the key and all the doors lock at the same time, ive tried a new battery in both fobs as described in the manual but to no avail its really annoying, any advice please.



Hi Jim

It's possible the programming needs to be re-set. I found this online so take no credit for it.

For X-Type

1. Insert key in ingnition
2. Turn key to ''I''
3. Turn key to ''II'' and back to ''I'' quickly 4 times
4. Alarm system should chime once when key is back to ''I'' for 4th
5. Remove key
6. Press any button on key fob and alarm will chime if it has been
programmed correctly (Some models require all buttons pressed

Worth a try! Good luck



To add to what Dave has said, if it is not programmed correctly, a good auto electrician should bet able to programme it cheaper than a main dealer.



thanks for that guys

ive tried to re-programme the fob a few times but nothing so I read that you can get key fobs off eBay, had a look and yes you can get them off eBay but looking down the list they do 2002-2009 EXCEPT they arnt comapatable to 2003 which is what ive got, is this right? why the difference between 2002 and 2003

very puzzled


Hi Jim

not wishing to add more spanners into the works, the reprogramming script may well be correct, but you could have problems with the micro switches on the fobs, buying new fobs off eBay will still need reprogramming (as far as I'm aware) I had my spare reprogrammed at a main dealer, for about £50 if memory serves, you could try an auto locksmith who will come to you 




Hi again Jim

As Claws says a new one from eBay will still need programming. Another thing is to go to a locksmith and ask him to change the battery, yeah probably £6 but he will check that it has an output. Then you will know if the circuit board is working. Some real enthusiasts have testers for all of this stuff.

I may now be getting confused with my old rover but a new fob from eBay or wherever if it has a separate transponder that will need programming too.


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