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I would love to find my wife's old x-type. I know it's out there because it shows up on the DVLA website.

I'd love to get it back for her


any one here seen it, got it



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2 hours ago, Old Peter said:

Welcome to the club, Martin.

A letter to the DVLA might help. Good Luck


Thanks Peter, I didn't think the DVLA passed details, like that, on


Hi Martin,

Generally they don't, but I guess that if you ask nicely, or even telephone them and explain what you want, it is possible that they will contact the person and maybe even pass on your telephone number.

If you don't ask you will never get an answer.  It is always worth trying.




Request information about a vehicle's registered keeper from DVLA

You can request details of a vehicle’s registered keeper and certain other information from DVLA if you have ‘reasonable cause’. You can also request information held by DVLA about you.

Why you might make a request

‘Reasonable cause’ can include:

  • finding out who was responsible for an accident
  • tracing the owner of an abandoned vehicle
  • tracing the owner of a vehicle illegally parked on private land
  • issuing parking tickets
  • tracing people responsible for driving off without paying for goods and services
  • tracing vehicle owners suspected of insurance fraud

What information you can request

You can ask for:

  • details of a vehicle’s registered keeper
  • information about previous keepers for a vehicle now registered in your name
  • information DVLA holds about you

Private car parking management companies can only request information from DVLA if they’re members of the British Parking Association or the International Parking Community.

Request information about someone else

Fill in a form and apply by post. The form you need to use depends on who is making the request, and why.

Details of how to pay and where to send your application are on each form.

Who is making the request Form
An individual Form V888
A company Form V8882
A company that issues parking or trespass charge notices Form V8883

You can download further information on requesting information from DVLA.

Request information about yourself

Write a letter that includes:

  • your full name and address
  • the registration number of the vehicle you’re asking about

Include proof of your address if it’s different to the one on your V5C vehicle registration certificate (log book).

Send your request to DVLA by email or post.

DVLA SAR Enquiries 
[email protected]

SAR Enquiries 
SA99 1ZZ 

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