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Hi Everybody,

Got a coolant problem. Losing coolant over 10 - 20 mile trips. About 200 - 400 mls per time. But it doesn't seem to lose it when engine is off and cooling/cold. Tried Radweld once to no effect. It is going to E & E in MK on Tuesday, but just wondered if anyone else has had a similar problem. The Lounge Bar Massif suggests I have a perished O Ring in the thermostat, and that this is a common problem with S Types. Any thoughts? I will of course report back on solution and E & E Services performance.


I had a similar coolant loss problem.  Thought it was the radiator but there are a couple of small metal pipes in the system which had corroded.  These are quite costly "Jaguar only"items which I had replaced by my local workshop.  When I saw them I rather wished I had taken them home a fixed them with a bit of GRP or similar which would have saved over £100.  



could be a hose, water pump or the expansion tank

usually if there's a small hole in any rigid steel pipework or radiator, radweld will seal it

but it wont work on rubber pipes or a leaky seal on the waterpump

the expansion tank is a common failure as well





I gad a water pump starting to fail last June.  Not a bad leak and I was able to use the car, topping up when needed,  but I had the water pump replaced.



"Rupert" went to E and E on Tuesday. Requires new radiator. Will advise cost when I get the full bill. Appears to be more than a simple replacement job but will source replacement for me in the Aftermarket rather than from Jag Spares.




Hi Guys

Rupert returned yesterday from E & E with a new radiator. Cost £260 plus consumables, labour and VAT giving a total all in of £680. Driving like new. I am so very pleased. Recommend them wholeheartedly

Rgds to all

  • 3 weeks later...

I had a water pump that collapsed but I heard audible warning so nursed it the few miles home despite coolant outing out and steam there was no overheating.

More recent: plastic thermostat tower leak: replaced with a metal version and what a bugger of a job thanks to rear bolts you can't reach and the rad drain plug snapping...luckily cheap and old one came out with an 8mm Allen key.

Leak free? Nope! Next one is the very common, leaks when hot rear of front wheel arch driver's side: expansion tank.

New tank and its bottom hose ordered.

I've already dismantled most of the bits: don't believe the forums across the pond that boast this is quick and easy as it is not.

Spray and go slowly with the brace bar removal. Bolts are easily snapped. Wiggle the wipers to remove when unbolted...I know sounds strange but with a bit of wd they will come off.

i need to remove the wheel and under wing trim next to gain access to the bottom expansion tank hose.

At least the weather will be warm!

If anyone is interested I can post some pics when I get back to it.


Hi and Welcome Simon

It may be worth swapping you expansion tank cap, you may all ready done so with the new expansion tank

but it may be the cause of some of the leaks, if the pressure in the system is getting too high, due to a faulty cap



  • Like 1

Hi Guys

Rupert returned yesterday from E & E with a new radiator. Cost £260 plus consumables, labour and VAT giving a total all in of £680. Driving like new. I am so very pleased. Recommend them wholeheartedly

Rgds to all


Next job is tank and its bottom hose. I think the caps ok...haven't got the tank out yet but suspecting a crack.

the delay:

Blummin wheel nuts over torqued on with one wrecked. I hammered on an impact socket as 19mm wouldn't slide on...god bless my new, cheapish but powerfull battery operated impact wrench. Undid it after 20 seconds...that's a long time thinking you might strip the bolt or shatter the nut!

Weekend job🙄

  • 1 year later...

Just had a service and been told drips of coolant on under tray , but could not see leak. Just purchased what could it be and how do I know if it’s water pump please? Peter

  • 7 months later...

I have just purchased an s type 2.5 petrol and it is over heating and blowing out of expansion tank cap when hot, any ideas would be great fully accepted 


Failed water pump? Failed thermostat? Air lock? Blocked radiator or hoses? Reduced or no air flow over the radiator? Also take a look at the Oil filler cap - if there's white sludge on it then it could be a head gasket.

Good luck sorting it.


Thanks M5 for the advice.

No white sludge on cap or water globules on dipstick. So that is  promising? No blocks in hoses. Rad is new with good airflow. Thermo seems to be working. Will need to get someone to look at the water pump. Don't even know where it is lol


I have just fixed a water leak on the Jag and it's sounds very much like the one you have. Took months to find it since the leak was only when engine running and from ..... the pipe union between the water expansion tank and hosing. Someone had used radweld so the leak was 100ml per week or so. I spotted water on the frame under the radiator and since the radiator appeared sound I suspected the expansion tank. After wiggling pipes the leak was much worse so I stripped the tank and hoses. I decided to make an 'O' ring for the pipe union and placed it on the 45° ramp with some white pipe tape for good measure. Much grunting later and the leak is fixed! 

  On 11/3/2019 at 2:59 PM, Baudinot said:

Thanks M5 for the advice.

No white sludge on cap or water globules on dipstick. So that is  promising? No blocks in hoses. Rad is new with good airflow. Thermo seems to be working. Will need to get someone to look at the water pump. Don't even know where it is lol


I had my water pump changed a bout three years ago.  My mechanic knew where it was and it wasn't expensive!


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