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Help needed again please, the issue has happen twice both times I have been in slow moving traffic, the glow plug starts flashing and a warning states gearbox fault. On both occasions I have stopped the vehicle restarted and the problem disappears 


Any ideas 



sounds like a issue with the glowplugs

also may be worth checking the battery, if your battery is getting low, or your alternator is not charging correct, the low voltage may be causing the issue with the glow plugs

also the glowplugs kicking in may also even drop the battery voltage low enough to cause a fault on the gearbox

I'd get the battery voltage checked first, should be above 12.5 volts engine off and above 14 volts engine running




I've had a similar issue, as have quite a few others on here. I first had this problem around Christmas, and since then took it in for a diagnostic, but we couldn't get the car to flag up the same problem - and basically the car has been absolutely fine. The tecchie's first thought was that it was the turbo as they do go on the x-type facelift models. Others on this site have had turbo issues. 

Joe mentioning the battery is interesting as I had a new battery over christmas which was when the issue first occurred. It did happen again since the new battery but maybe the alternator is not charging up as it should... (Do batteries 'warm up' after a few months...??) My car does tend to sit for a few days without driving from time to time...

For now I have a cheap diagnostic tool in the car and if the fault happens again I can hopefully get some sort of a readout to try and point the tecchie in the right direction!



These cars have lots of electronics and nothing is hard wired, every thing on the Jaguars is can bus networked

so when you press the accelerator, that is connected to the front body module, then that talks to the engine ecu, gearbox ecu and various other modules, all through the can network, before the throttle actuator open and revs, all in micro seconds

so its really critical on battery voltage, petrol car's seem to suffer least, as they have different alternators and charge at a higher level

diesels tend to suffer the most as there alternators charge different and starting on a diesel takes so much out of the battery due to glow plugs and higher cranking amps, sucking more power out of the battery

if you only do short runs with a diesel, the battery can get lower and lower, to a point where it will start causing problems with faults

the only easy way to prevent this if your only doing short  runs is to a smart charger like a CTEK, to keep your battery topped up when not in use

I've got CTEK chargers on both of my cars and bikes, My mitsubishi had a new battery over 10 years ago and still works great, A Bosch  battery, my jaguar had a brand new Jaguar battery 2 years ago and I've never had any issues with the car.



  • 8 months later...

Hi all,

I got the same problem and it might be battery low voltage because I only have short drive daily let say 40 km/day. Problem is after turn off engine and start next day then the fault still existed. I better send vehicle to mechanic so he can plug in and detect the errors. Changing new battery is also another option


Hi all,

Any advise for this issue. I replace new battery but message disappear one day then next day error come again. That's not nice to drive vehicle with lack of power and do not if this issue will damage the gear box? If any one has solution to solve this problem completely pls advise. Thank you 


My son has an x type 2.0 Diesel and had the same fault -- an intermittent flashing glow plug.  Stopping and switching worked for half an hour and then it came back.  He had a new battery in December.

A dose of Millers Eco Plus diesel has cured it.



Hi all,

I found this topic same issue of gearbox fault then I think it can help. Below is a quote from topic owner but you can read all threads from this link 

Last, hopefully, update.

60 mile trip today at highish speed, therefore engine and turbo well up to temp, and NO repercussions. So, I now feel comfy that the issue is resolved.

Summary of thread:
Started with the appearance of a message on the dashboard display "Gearbox Fault" accompanied by flashing glowplug icon and amber light. Outcome: engine in limp mode and auto gearbox not shifting.
Diagnosis at local indie: P132A Turbo/Supercharger Boost control A electrical and another, I can't remember what, though. Likely source Turbo Actuator. My comment: How come "Gearbox Fault"? Well, consensus opinion, the display is registering the symptom, not the source.
Advised that best route would be to replace the complete turbo assembly. Cost £1400 approx. Don't like that route icon_sad.gif
Find Taylor Motor Services on eBay. They seem to be familiar with the symptoms/diagnosis and offer a recon service for own turbo actuatorunit at £89.95. I opt for this. Postage to them £7.15 recorded dely.
Two days later, recon unit received back. (Fastest ever service I can recall.)
Recon'd Actuator refitted by indie. Car starts and runs normally. No messages etc. 
Problem solved. 

Therefore, by going down the recon actuator route I saved £1222.90
(£1400.00 - £177.10 (£89.95 + £7.15 + local indie investigation and diagnosis cost £80) = £1222.90)

OK, you could argue that I don't have a new turbo. But the current turbo is patently operating just fine and at only 50K miles I don't think I need bother too much on that front.

So, in footie parlance - A RESULTicon_biggrin.gif


Hi Cubist,

Thanks. My Jag 2008 diesel automatic got this issue therefore I try to find the way to fix it with reasonable cost. Yesterday I brought my jag to local garage then techie plug in to detect code then he said one sensor was malfunction then he need to find out and replace them. At first he will clear the code then message disappear but after driving few miles then message is appear. I will bring back my jag to him to replace sensor if any, then if issue still exist I will ask him to check turbo/actuator  


Hi All,

Just spotted your thread re "Gearbox Fault" so thought to add my fourpenny worth.

Started my XF 2010 3L TD V6 yesterday morning after it had been stood out in the current freezing temperatures for a week without use.

Got "Gearbox Fault" , a first time for me with the car. Decided it was down to the cold and drove slowly for the first 3 miles the took it up to c70mph for another 7 miles before parking.

Left it parked for a least an hour the on starting it to return home the warning had disappeared and did not re-appear.

I put the whole thing down to the gearbox/oil being so cold/thick that the sensor system detected it as a fault.  That's all.  Great car, just needs some TLC !!





Hi Geoff,

Cross finger. I will monitor my jag some days before asking mechanist to touch on turbo/actuator. I living Cyprus so I don't think cold weather effect to Oil then system detect gearbox fault. 

  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all,

I send my vehicle to garage for diagnosis then techie found the actuator got problem and need a replacement because they can fix it. They have order a new one then take some days to receive part. I will update after new part arrived and replace the old one    



  • 5 weeks later...
  On 3/19/2018 at 9:17 AM, Johnny Nguyen said:

Hi all,

I send my vehicle to garage for diagnosis then techie found the actuator got problem and need a replacement because they can fix it. They have order a new one then take some days to receive part. I will update after new part arrived and replace the old one    




After a month waiting the part arriving to replace the actuator but it only works after 15 miles driving then issue re-appear. The mechanist put plug in and found another code that turbo got stuck and need to check and replace new turbo charger. I'm not lucky at all as mechanist said replace actuator is 50% luck to fix the issue but he did not said that before :). Please advise should I purchase used turbo charger because mechanist order used actuator already 

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