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   Would anyone know what this unused connector behind the insulation would be used for ? It's in the roof void pictured through the overhead console aperture on my 2007

s-type 2.7 XS. Started a conversation with JOE-COM last year who kindly sent me a photo of the auto-dim mirror wiring connector. I was rather hoping this would be the connector to retro fit the mirror but since they both seem to be female I guess not. I have been lucky with the pre-wiring for other options but may have come unstuck on this one unless someone can advise

otherwise. I know a new windscreen would be req'd but would like to know what connector is for anyway. Any advice greatly appreciated... Regards all. Tony



Hi  Joe,

             I'll see what I can do in the next day or two. It's a difficult one to get a photo of since there's virtually no give to pull it further fwd and it's partially obscured by the other wiring.

Thanks for your interest.



Hi Joe, 

              Further to our earlier conversation,  by chance I think I've answered my own question...On eBay I came across a sunroof motor which had a plug attached which looked suspiciously like the one we're talking about so I reckon it's a sunroof connector. My car does not have a sunroof though. Logically if that is the case it surely must have wiring for the mirror. Looking at the connector from the loom into the overhead console it has a hell of a lot of wiring some of which matches the stump of wiring left on the mirror. On the  overhead console there is an unused male connector. Does the short loom from the mirror plug into this I wonder ? Anyone with an autodim mirror would be able to confirm this. I've spoken to Jag dealerships, breakers and specialists to get clarification  but not one has spoken any sense. If you can help on this one I would be grateful. Also do you have any idea where I can get this short loom (the one in your photo ) ? as I havn't seen one on eBay and I can't seem to get anyone to understand what I want ! Please see attachments for photos.

Regards Tony

P1030403 (2).JPG





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