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Hi From The Rural Principality Of Lincolnshire


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Good Morning All,

I am seriously contemplating joining the 'XF Fold' and I have already looked at a couple of 'local' XF's and I have been quite impressed.

I have owned a number of Jags during the past few years so I could say that I know what I am letting myself in for - but that is a rather unfair comment these days as reliability has improved - albeit at a similar pace to the ever increasing level of auto engineering complexity!

I am hoping to purchase the 3 litre S variant, (270 BHP or thereabouts), as I was very impressed with the engines performance and the reasonable fuel economy, (as compared to some of my other cars and bikes)!

I have found one user guide but just wondered what to look out for - although I am entering into this venture with both eyes wide open as my budget will only stretch to a 2010 model and an approximate price around the £6k - £7k mark.

Despite undertaking most work myself, (specialising in the area of electrical/electronic modules and systems), I am still a tad concerned about the lifespan of engines and turbos on these models, (currently looking at a 3 litre S with about 80k on the clock).

Also have the 2.5 AWD X Type estate which is a fine car.



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Hello Martin

Give the XF model a go. I bought my first Jaguar 18 months ago, a 2010 3L TD V6 (240) Luxury Auto and was at first a nervous owner, having read the numerous blog posts about problems with Jags. The Jag had only been driven 36K miles with all documentation MOTs, Services and in immaculate condition inside and out. One trial drive and my Passat went in p/x for it on the spot. I had anti-roll link bar and suspension arm replaced by my local garage (BVS Brackley) after purchase. It has been a real eye-opener of a car compared to my Passat.... smoother, swifter,  quieter and so relaxing on long journeys. It has more than enough ooomph and gets me away first at traffic lights!  I can recommend the colour (called grey but quite silvery) for not showing streaks. The inside is pale blue leather.

About 50K miles on the clock now, so just about run-in.

All the best with your searching.



2016 Jag W2 JXF (1).jpg

2016 Jag W2 JXF (2).JPG

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Many thanks for your reassuring words - which are just as well as I had one of those, (somewhat rare), moments when I let my heart overrule my head!

I already have three vehicles, (Volvo V40 Estate, Mercedes SLK and a Jaguar 2.5 AWD X-Type Estate - not to mention a 4.6HSE Range Rover 'project' vehicle!), and it was time to reduce my toys and save some money, (I also have three motorcycles - but that is a story for another day)!

I made a decision last Monday and that was to reduce the number of vehicles on my drive and I thought that the best way to achieve this would be to purchase something a little more 'special' that would then allow me to let go of some of the others.

I have owned a number of Jaguars and I undertook some research into the 'newer' models, (post S and X Types), and the XE and XF series caught my eye and I firstly considered a possible lease hire of a new one but, (once I looked at the deposit required), I thought it may be worth looking at something a few years old and around the price of the leasing deposit and that gave me a 'ball park' figure to set my sights on!

By Tuesday I had found a local 3 litre,  (240bhp), XF in a reasonably local second hand dealership and also found another 3 litre, (275 bhp), XF S on the other side of Lincolnshire so I popped over to take a look at the nearest one on the Tuesday afternoon.

It was a rather unusual colour, (brown), and in good condition and I took her for a spin round the block and was very impressed, (she really pushed you back into the seat when accelerating but it just wasn't good enough to meet my high expectations, (and it was located in a rather uninspiring 'back street' used car lot), which didn't inspire confidence and I was conscious of engine fumes in the passenger compartment whilst driving her,  (although she behaved impeccably - apart from the 'brake wear' warning that came on occasionally)!

So I arranged to pop over to the other side of Lincolnshire , (the next day - straight after work), and managed to get there just before it got dark!

This model was the 3 Litre S  Premium Luxury in a very fetching metallic bright blue colour with amazing wheels that really stood out and the overall appearance, (both inside and out), was excellent and, (when I lifted the bonnet), the entire engine compartment was 'as new' with no dirt or grease visible anywhere, (I know that most of the engine is covered on these models - but it was still clean enough to eat your dinner off it)!!

There was one important caveat with this vehicle, however, which had been explained to me by the owner when I spoke to him the previous evening and that was the fact that it was a 'Cat D' write off, (5 years ago), but I was also informed that the damage was minimal vandalism key scrapes, (although not sure of the reasons why of course), and the vehicle had been professionally repaired and the current owner had owned it for the past four years.

I took her out for a drive and she behaved impeccably with no obvious errors or warnings but I was unable to check everything as there was just too much to check and I was more concerned about the engine, transmission, suspension, steering and brakes - all of which were fine.

I then spent an hour going through the huge pile of service receipts, mots and various other documents, (the owners handbooks were 'as new'), and there was also a boot liner and a good length of wheel rim protection tape!

I was very smitten but made no commitment at that moment in time and decided to sleep on it and see what else was available in the area.

She does have the leaping cat on the bonnet, (both my XJS and my S Type also had the leaping Jaguar on the bonnet), which does concern me for safety reasons - but it does swivel which may serve to make it legal, (I am sure that either yourself or other Forum members may be able to provide me with more information regarding this particular issue)?

I spent the following morning looking at other XF's, (both locally and further afield), but none matched the one I had viewed the afternoon before so I took a look at the Parkers valuation for that vehicle, (an approximate guide I know), and I also researched the cost differential for similar 'Cat D' damaged vehicles, (this is not an exact science and the differential drops as the vehicle gets older), so I made a decision to offer the owner 2/3 of the book price, (which was substantially less than he had advertised it at), and after a bit of haggling I agreed to up my offer by £200!!

Needless to say Thursday afternoon saw me catching one bus and then three trains, (!), to collect her and the drive home was totally uneventful, (other than the rather large smirk on my face of course), and I drove to work in it, yesterday, and she didn't miss a beat.

So I am now an XF owner, (as well as an X Type owner too), and I now need to sell the Mercedes and the Volvo!

Apologies for the very long winded response to your very kind reply!

I will, of course, post some pictures as soon as I am able - and yours looks very, very nice by the way!!


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Well done, sounds like you have done well, so here's hoping you have as much enjoyment as mine has given me. And in metallic blue, another finish that sits high on my list.  In fact that was the colour of my Passat.  Just do not like black or dark colours.

I just wish I hadn't waited until the age of 77 before getting one :wallbash:



BTW:  We lived at Welton, near Scampton during the 1980s.  Many walks on the Viking Way.  Love Lincoln

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Wow! That looks very nice Martin, inside and out. Was that the private buy? If so it appears well looked after.

Internal colour looks the same as mine from the pic.

Is photography one of your hobbies?  The views from low down really exaggerate the jag's lines well.

You'll have to stop pulling over on to those muddy Lincolnshire Wold roadside's though!!.

Well done



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Many thanks, once again, for your very kind comments!

And, (as you have lived in this fine county previously - and were probably treated to many impromptu 'Red Arrow' displays), it will probably will not surprise you to learn that the roads in Lincolnshire are now pretty dreadful with new potholes, (and ruts), appearing every day so the prospect of encountering a little mud is not such an inconvenience after all!

I am convinced that it is the local roads that have broken BOTH of the front springs on my Volvo, (I have just replaced them both), and I have had 3 punctures on my X Type in the past 6 months and I am convinced that it is the roads causing the problem.

Yes I do enjoy a little photography and can, occasionally, compose a reasonable picture but my success ratio is still very much against me - just as well we are now in the digital age otherwise I would still be throwing away a large number of prints!

Our cars are something special and a cut above most of the competitors although we will always encounter the occasional problem purely due to the level of technology employed in the automotive industry today.

This was the 'privately' advertised XF and the owners were an elderly couple who appeared to be very genuine and I was offered tea on both of my visits, (always a positive sign)!

They also picked me up from the station when I popped over to collect it last Thursday.

There are a fair few XF's, (as well as all of the other Jaguar 'variants'), out there and it is impossible to view every single one that appears to be worth a visit as there simply are not enough hours in the day, (and work tends to get in the way too), so there comes a point in time when you have to make a decision and I would appear to have been lucky, (let's hope that I am not tempting fate)!

I am hoping that this will turn out to be the very bargain that it currently appears to be but I will also remain level headed as I fully accept the fact that things will go wrong from time to time and, (although I can handle most of the electrical/electronic issues myself), I would be a tad reluctant to change the timing belt myself, (although I have changed them previously), but at least that is another 30K away for now!!

Give me a shout if you are ever passing by as you would always be most welcome to pop in for a cup of tea, (I live relatively close to the East Kirkby Aviation Heritage Centre which has the grounded Lancaster 'Just Jane' on site), so always an excuse to return to Lincolnshire!

The picture, below, is the British and Canadian Lancasters 'peeling off' above the airfield at East Kirkby - a very poor picture as I had no tripod or fast telephoto lens and the light was poor and I hadn't got a piece of my lucky sea weed with me . . . . !

Take care.




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East Kirkby,  Martin. Isn't that where Old Bolingbroke met Mavis Enderby?. 

Toronto, June 2014, the wife and I were sat under a large sun canopy outside a restaurant in a quiet back street off the main square when a familiar drone of Merlin engines woke me up. I leapt out to witness the Canadian Lanc overhead and gone in a flash. I believe that was the year she flew over to England for maintenance work. Just don't like those two precious Lancs flying close together or ours in close proximity to the Battle of Britain fighters.

On the subject of Jaguar XFs , two things......

1. You and I are close to needing our cars cam belt & pulleys renewing doing, based on their nearing 10 year of age. I am mindful of being ahead with this job after losing an engine some years ago. 

2. I am considering buying a spare wheel. I have never had to use the sealing fluid kit and have read lots of negative posts and a few positive ones.

What are your thoughts? 






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Hi Geoff,

Firstly in response to your questions re the XF, (as I certainly do not want to appear to be using this invaluable forum as another 'social media' channel)!!

1/. Spare Wheel v Repair Kit?

I have been fortunate to have a number of lease/company vehicles, previously, and the last one was supplied without a spare wheel and just the 'repair' kit!

I will always remember picking up a puncture on the A1, (just outside Grantham), on a dark, cold and very wet winters evening and I managed to limp onto a side road and pull up in order to see what could be done.

I had no spare - just the repair kit and the mini electrical compressor and a set of instructions, (which I had never read of course)!

I followed the instructions but, despite being careful, managed to get some of the liquid rubber sealant onto my hands, the alloy wheel and the bodywork!

I then connected the compressor to a 12v socket in the car and inflated the tyre and I was lucky that the puncture was sufficiently small to allow the sealant to do its job and I had to move off smartly in order to spin the fluid around the tyre before it fully set.

I was very impressed with the mini compressor as it didn't take long to inflate the tyre!

Therefore, (if the puncture is only slight), the repair option will suffice to get you home and negates the need for too much physical effort, (removing and replacing wheels by the roadside - and OUR wheels are rather large and heavy - despite being alloys)!!!!

At the risk of turning this missive into a short story you would not believe the problems that I had with my X Type wheels when I started getting the, (previously mentioned), punctures on these fine Lincolnshire roads.

I found myself stricken at the side of the road with a flat tyre, (and I had a wheel brace, jack and wheel brace), but I couldn't get the wheel off as two of the wheel nuts were seized and the, (brand new), official Jaguar wheel brace just twisted before my very eyes as I applied more and more pressure in an attempt to undo the nuts!

Cutting a very long story short I had to drill and chisel at least 1/2 seized wheel nuts from each of the 4 wheels and that was a nightmare of a job - trying not to damage the wheels as there was only about 3mm clearance between the nuts and the wheel casting itself!!!


2/.  Cam Chain Replacement?

Although I have never neglected, (and suffered from consequences of), a cambelt failure I did have a 'mishap' with my Granada Cosworth Scorpio when the cam chain tensioner snapped!

The result was 24 bent valves, (3 Litre V6 with a 24 Valve Cosworth Head), and that cost me a fortune to have the top end rebuilt!

I would be more than happy to undertake the XF cam belt replacement myself but I would like to see the procedure first before I make the commitment, (I suspect that, like most modern cars, the task is further compounded by the need to remove numerous ancillary devices just to gain access to the belt)!

The most important issues are that of locking the cams, (prior to removing the belt), and then ensuring that the cams do not move once the belt has been removed, (the slip of just one tooth will be enough to turn the Cat's purr into a stifled rasp - and reduce your bank balance considerably)!

I would suspect that there are specific tools available that will lock the cams, (whilst the belt is removed), but that will, ultimately, add to the cost! 

I have also read, (elsewhere on this great site - many thanks to ALL of the other forum members), that it is good practice to also have other components replaced, (such as the water pump and the Serpentine Belt),  replaced at the same time as this will save further expense, (and heartache), at a later date!

I have heard figures of anything between £400 - £800 for the belt to be replaced, (by an 'independent' Jaguar specialist), so I would presume that we would need to ask our fellow Forum members as to who they can recommend in our respective locations.

I will undertake a more 'in depth' search of the site regarding this very subject once I have a 'spare' 5 minutes!!


With regards to the Lancasters - I had the privilege of being at East Kirkby for the '3 Lancs' event and was able to watch the UK and Canadian Lancasters perform a number of circuits overhead whilst 'Just Jane' was taxiing along the airfield so we were all treated to the aural melody of 12 Merlins roaring in the summer sunshine!

It was shortly after this event that the Canadian Lancaster suffered an engine problem and was grounded for a while!

It is whilst walking around the Heritage Centre, (home of two Bomber Command Squadrons), that you really do get a feel for the bravery of the crews that flew these aircraft, (in most weathers), across to hostile skies and many, of course, never returned - serious respect and gratitude to them all.

Take care.



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Hi Peter,

Firstly, thank you for responding to my query.

I had measured the wheel well on my XF and it seems to have enough space for the 245/45  R18 tyres to match those on the car.  Am I missing something?  In the 18 months I have owned the car those big , deep tread tyres seem to accept all the potholes thrown at them!  Because of my trust in the tyres dependability it is likely (having read Martin's notes about the travails of using the provided sealant) that I will settle for a basic 18" space-saver wheel just in case.  I am covered by my insurer for breakdowns (the cars, not mine!) and my plan would be to call them out to change the wheel, simply because there are few safe and stable places to do the job on the roads.

Martin, I am unsure if this reply will get to you as well, but if it does thank you for your swift reply.  I will get my local garage to give me a budget quote for all the recommended items to be renewed at the same time as the cam set.  Will post back to you with the result.



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Hi Geoff, 

The last blowout I had was in 2001 on my Rover Sterling due to a very sharp rock at the edge of a grass verge when forced over by a Range Rover who wanted the whole road. I had steel wheel as a spare.  And the weight of the wheel will see the AA changing it if something does occur!

My S type has a good dedicated space  in the boot, and with the same wheels as yours I don't think I will have a blowout.  Having said that, my son has had two blowouts in 6 months with two serious potholes which cost him two new alloy wheels as well as two tyres.  He has the same 18" wheels on his X Type estate! He has a space saver.

A space saver is a useful compromise.

SWMBO has a Toyota Yaris Hybrid which came with an electric tyre inflator and a supply of tyre gunge. Two days later it had a spare wheel on a matching alloy and luckily the car has a dedicated space in the boot. 



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    • Simply Jaguar - Beaulieu Motor Museum - 25th June 2023
      Jaguar Owners Club have a stand at this years Simply Jaguar event at the National Motor Museum at Beaulieu, Hampshire on Sunday 26th June 2023

      Tickets are available online here: https://www.beaulieu.co.uk/events/simply-jaguar/

      Participant prices are only valid if arriving in a Jaguar and taking part in the rally. They are not valid for those arriving on foot.

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      Participant and visitor tickets will include entrance to the rest of the Beaulieu attraction, including the National Motor Museum, Palace House, Little Beaulieu, World of Top Gear, Beaulieu Abbey and its grounds and gardens.

      The best time for viewing the Simply rally is between 10am and 2pm.





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      Please do not arrive early for our Simply rallies as no facilities will be open prior to 9:30am.

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