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Hi Everybody,

Not sure if I have a problem or not but my drivers seat back does not apear to reach the 'bolt upright' position, (never mind moving any further forward than the 12 o'clock position), and I wondered if this was normal or whether my seat back moment is a tad restricted?

All of my other cars, (including my X-Type), allow the seat to move to the 12 o'clock position and beyond.

I have yet to sit in the passenger seat and see what range of movement that seat back has!

A relatively minor issue but I do like to have my entire back supported but I find myself leaning forward and there is about a 9 inch gap between my neck and the rear of the seat in its upper most position!



Hi Martin

It seems incredible I know, but Jaguar XF driver's seat adjustments increase the more up-range the model. My "Luxury" :whistling1: has the basic adjustment.

It took just one long trip for me to purchase a lumbar support, which although not very aesthetic, has given me perfect driving comfort. 


There is a very similar one via Amazon for £10,  looks the same as mine .... https://www.amazon.co.uk/Hardcastle-Leather-Lumbar-Support-Cushion/dp/B0124GDOWI/ref=sr_1_3_s_it?s=drugstore&ie=UTF8&qid=1520847921&sr=1-3&keywords=car+seat+back+support&dpID=51RImc0Sc2L&preST=_SY300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch

Since my last post to you I have purchased an unused 18" space saver wheel from a local breakers for £100. It does fit in the boot well, albeit a tight fit!







Very interesting indeed!

I have more adjustment on my X Type!!

I keep meaning to try the passenger seat just to check that both have the same range of movement. 

Well done with the spare wheel - I have yet to fully explore my boot as I need to put the petrol filler protection tool back in its proper place so I had better check my wheel, jack,  brace and any other tools that I may find!!

I took her to work again, today, and I am still very pleased with her and it really does make the journey so much more pleasurable. 



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