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My car has been stuck on in Jenfeld civil for the last 3 weeks. I tried everything. Change the throttle body. Got a new master air flow sensor. I change. Pretty much did everything that I possibly could to get this cold off. It all started when I was. Unwire  my radio and then it came on. I got the codes clear. Then when I went to go put the radio back in. It came on again.  Does anyone have? Any.

Reasons why this is happening or any solutions to my problems I would gladly appreciate it.


Hi Sylvan and Welcome to the Club,

Sorry but your message is hard to understand. Can confirm the following and add any details please?

  1. You car has been stuck in Jenfeld (Hamburg?) for the last three weeks because its dropped into Fail Safe Mode?
  2. You have changed the Throttle Body and Master Airflow Sensor, but the car remains in Fail Safe Mode?
  3. The trouble started after you removed and replaced the radio?

Some extra questions;

  • Do you have a ODBC code scanner (Jaguar compatible)?
  • If so, have you read and cleared the DTC codes in the car?

If you can clarify I/others may be able to help.





I was saying that my car's been stuck in engine failsafe mode for the past 3 weeks

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