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Good evening all. Just bought my first Jag on Tuesday. It's a lovely 2007 S type 2.7D with full service history and has obviously been very well looked after previously. It's a bit of a change from my 2.6 Vectra GSI, but the wife has decided that my days of wearing my baseball cap backwards are over and at my age I should now be driving a proper grown ups car. 

I have all the service history, all the manuals and most of the garage receipts from new, however the one thing that's missing is the radio code card. And the dealer had disconnected the battery, of course....  I'm pretty sure it's the original unit as there is no mention in the documentation to say that it has ever been replaced.

I have  been told that I can obtain it on line, but would need to remove the unit to obtain the serial number. I don't really want to do that as I'm not confident in removing the trim etc without breaking things.

I have also been told that if I take the V5 and extra ID to a Jaguar dealer, they will be able to obtain the code for me. does anybody know if that is the case?



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11 hours ago, Oldkeeper said:

does anybody know if that is the case?


Congratulations on your purchase; you do not need to remove the unit for purposes of obtaining the code.

In the case of our XJS, a 'phone call to a local Jaguar dealer, giving the reg number and VIN number resulted in a call back within an hour or so with the code.    The process does seem to vary from dealer to dealer; some will require ID, some will attempt to charge (walk away!), but some will do as we did.       We made our 'phone call to Stratstone jaguar at Lye (Stourbridge)....give it a go.

Enjoy, and don't forget to purchase a trilby in place of the baseball cap!

Happy growling      :thumbup:

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Thanks, Carole!  I'll give that a go. The silence inside is deafening. :-)

I'll also take your advice and get a trilby, as I keep knocking my top hat off when getting in!

Many thanks!


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Thanks, Bernard.

I did try this, but it didn't work. I've since been told that this trick only works on units up until 2007, so I'm just a bit too late.

I'll call my local jag dealer tomorrow and plead poverty. Hopefully they'll take pity on me.... :-)

Thanks for the tip, though.

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Hi Dave and Welcome to the Club,

Paroles right, and is not one whose advice should be carelessly neglected; follow it - you'll find out why in due course.

On 7/13/2018 at 10:07 AM, Carole Simpson-Hadley said:

don't forget to purchase a trilby i

A trilby!!! Nothing less than a Borsalino fedora please.🎩

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15 hours ago, cubist said:

Hi Dave and Welcome to the Club,

Paroles right, and is not one whose advice should be carelessly neglected; follow it - you'll find out why in due course. 

A trilby!!! Nothing less than a Borsalino fedora please.🎩

Cheers, Steve.

I'll certainly take Carole's advice. As you say, it's something you ignore at your own risk and I'm not sure I'm ready to find my tyres slashed and rude pictures crudely painted on my bonnet with brake fluid just yet!

I called the local dealer yesterday morning. They did seem quite helpful but suggested I give a call back on Monday as they were very busy due to staff holidays. They seemed to indicate that it probably would be something they could do for me over the phone, given an hour or so...so fingers crossed.

I didn't realise that Jag ownership would result in such expenditure in amassing an eclectic collection of suitable head attire. :-(

I'll have to look for a Borsalino Fedora next week, as my wife has decided that my current Foster Grant's are entirely unsuitable and that only "His n Hers" Ray Bans are anywhere near acceptable. All very well and good, but her insisting I wear a 3 piece suit to check the tyre pressures in this weather I think is a little OTT. :-)


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17 hours ago, cubist said:

Paroles right

Memo to self...must get Cubist a new dictionary.  Or was that intentional.......hmmm.

Goodness me, Dave, what ideas has Steve (Cubist) given you?           We (MOH and I) are far more subtle than slashed tyres and paintwork modifications.     We are not known as the Bridgnorth after-life ushers and body snatcher brigade for nothing; whilst our friendly family pet known as Claude is given to unexpected visits (see many previous threads, usually involving MOH and I, R2E (Ron) and Cubist (Steve) in copious exchanges of banter).    Make sure you are up to speed on the Welsh for "pass the fire extinguisher".

Take care out there..................we may be about.............or will we?.........

Welcome to the madcap world of CSH/R2E&Cubist..............cor blimey, there's a rum-do and no mistake.  Pass the millinery catalogue.

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4 hours ago, Carole Simpson-Hadley said:

Memo to self...must get Cubist a new dictionary.  Or was that intentional.......hmmm.

A dictionary......no, but many thanks for the thought. The real problem is dyslexic fingers resulting from the First Ladies theft of my rather nice Apple keyboard and replacing it with this abominable HP sewing machine that has more pedal travel than a car with a busted brake line.

6 hours ago, Oldkeeper said:

I'll have to look for a Borsalino Fedora next week,

I can recommend a little shop next to a rather nice bar in the Piazza del Popolo.

6 hours ago, Oldkeeper said:

as my wife has decided that my current Foster Grant's are entirely unsuitable and that only "His n Hers" Ray Bans are anywhere near acceptable.

I concur with her sentiments re Foster Grants but Ray Bans are for the Beamer hacks - Oakleys are the only way to go to complement the Jaguar panache.

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On 7/15/2018 at 5:59 PM, cubist said:

Oakleys are the only way to go to complement the Jaguar panache.

Aha, should have seen that coming..............should have gone to Specsavers. Doh.      Meanwhile, just what sort of "little shop" are we talking about in the Piazza del Popolo.......tsh tsh.  More tea vicar?

Returning to topic (there's a first!), how did the radio code search go, Dave?

Happy growling

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26 minutes ago, Carole Simpson-Hadley said:

Meanwhile, just what sort of "little shop" are we talking about in the Piazza del Popolo.......tsh tsh.  More tea vicar?

A high class.............milliners I think it was.

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33 minutes ago, cubist said:

A high class.............milliners I think it was.

We have sent Claude to investigate. He may not accept the excuse that a dyslexic finger resulted in "milliner" coming out of "bordello".      He has suddenly come over all photogenic, after many covert expeditions.   Watch this space in the next couple of days.............

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On ‎7‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 6:05 PM, Carole Simpson-Hadley said:

Returning to topic (there's a first!), how did the radio code search go, Dave? 

Happy growling

All sorted, ta very much, Carole :-)

Didn't even need the VIN number. Just gave the very helpful young chap in the service department at D*ck Lovett's in Melksham my vehicle reg and received a call back the next morning with the radio code for no charge. So now I'm cruising in comfort, listening to Dean Martin and brushing up on my Italian in preparation for my visit to the Piazza del Popolo...Although when I mentioned a Borsalino Fedora to Her Majesty, she did suggest that maybe a chauffeur's hat may suit me better and would sit better with the new Oakleys.

Many thanks for your help and advice, everyone.

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10 hours ago, Oldkeeper said:

All sorted, ta very much, Carole :-)

Glad to learn that all is now well, Dave.   Also note, ref your mention of the dealer's name in Melksham, that you have already learnt about the "naughty word" filters on the forum.   We once mentioned D*ck Van Dy*e of Mary Poppins fame, whereupon the filters went into overdrive!

Regarding the chauffeur's hat, aha, maybe we could come up with some casual work in our chosen profession, although Wiltshire to the Welsh Marches area is a bit of a commute, and, of course, you would have to learn Welsh.  Isn't it, weren't we, don't you.

MOH says he is not fluent in Italian, but does know the difference between a Fiat and a Ferrari.  Claude says some hava beans will do nicely, with a spot of chianti, of course.

Enjoy your cruising in the lovely S-type

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1 hour ago, R2e said:

and avoid having to visit the foreign (as they say in Wales),

Claude is on the starting blocks............................and before you ask, yes, he's not the only straight in the village.

Dim smokio

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3 hours ago, R2e said:
4 hours ago, Carole Simpson-Hadley said:

Dim smokio

I can only respond - Dych chi'n hoffi smwddio?

Among my admittedly broad collection of foreign language dictionaries and phrase books there are none concerning either Welsh or Celt. Having made a life-long oath never to turn to a Silicon Valley translator I am now flummoxed until my next visit to one of those quaint bookshops that adorn some high streets.

Regarding head-dress proclivities I can report that my father never wore a hat of any description, except when employed by HM. My paternal grandfather however would wear a flat cap during the working week with a trilby reserved for the weekends. My personal attraction to titfers, lets see what the moderator thinks of that one, however are owed more to the original Untouchables TV series as led by Mr Robert Stack and of course the immortal Jimmy Cagney - White Heat, etc.

According to those that know me too well my character and behaviours are more akin to Jimmy - Grapefruit anyone?

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14 hours ago, Carole Simpson-Hadley said:

Regarding the chauffeur's hat, aha, maybe we could come up with some casual work in our chosen profession, although Wiltshire to the Welsh Marches area is a bit of a commute, and, of course, you would have to learn Welsh.  Isn't it, weren't we, don't you. 


Thanks for the offer Carole, but I spent a few years sampling the many delights of the Rhondda valley and prancing around on the Brecons many years ago whilst serving the other HM and I'm pretty sure I'm still listed as "Persona non grata" anywhere west of the Severn Bridge. I've quaffed my fair share of Welsh Bitter ("Never forget your Welsh") and been face down in more than a few portions of curry and chips "half and half"... Isn't it though, But?

However, my knowledge of the language is restricted mainly to words which, in true squaddy fashion, would severely test the multi lingual functionality of the forum's infamous naughty word filters.

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2 hours ago, R2e said:

To give you a fighting chance Steve I have translated it into the language I am currently studying - вам нравится гладить одежду?


Ah.. Now I get it... We were required to learn the Cyrillic alphabet for reporting purposes, back in the day.

I thought Steve's Welsh question translated to "Do you like smoothies". Which as an ex "Rock Ape" I would have to reply yes. providing they contain a) Bananas and b) Beer.

I now have another major problem with the Jag in that the new Oakleys HM purchased do not fit into the glasses holder on the overhead console. Frankly, I'm getting brassed off with people asking if I'm Edna Everidge's uncle and asking if they can borrow one of my many hats whilst they take a "selfie".

At least the old Vectra only attracted the attentions of the odd boy racer and the local constabulary....

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1 hour ago, R2e said:

I am doubly fortunate in this respect, firstly I discovered my glasses holder was stuck up with BluTac as the latch was broken. I discovered that the catch on the Brabantia bins was identical so fixed the problem for less than a pound (3 for £2.59, I have two spares if anyone needs one). Around this time I went to the fabled Specsavers for an eye test as I am approaching 70 and need to renew my licence. Fortunately I am still legal to drive without, but was given a prescription for distance which would make things clearer. I ordered online from SelectSpecs (as a Scot I am too mean to buy Specsaver's premium priced frames) and obtained a pair with clip on sunglasses for less than£30. These fit the glasses holder perfectly and as I only use them for driving they are always to hand.

However, what I'm sure we all want to know - are you in fact Edna Everidge's uncle? I can understand why you might wish to disown the relationship but we're all friends here and would not tell anyone, our lips would be sealed.

I'm quite fortunate that I only need specs for reading and other forms of close up jiggery pokery (tempting the naughty filter, here..) so clip on's aren't really an option unless I can somehow work out how to hinge them on to the brim of my chauffeurs hat that HM now insists I wear whenever she is in the car.

It's not inconceivable that I could in fact have some family connection with Dame Edna as I can claim some antipodean connections due to a great grandfather making his way down under many moons ago. Admittedly, this was unwillingly. I think the terminology of the day was "To be transported to the colonies".

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On 7/21/2018 at 7:34 AM, R2e said:

To give you a fighting chance Steve I have translated it into the language I am currently studying - вам нравится гладить одежду?

Aaaargh - I have been trying to put the dreaded Cyrillic alphabet thoroughly out of mind having finally given up the practice - all poor - of Greek and Russian some years ago. Testimony to this is served by the fact that I dispossessed myself of the dictionaries and phrase books yonks ago and they are probably still gathering dust in the chosen charity shop.

As regards head-gear. Its horses for courses I suppose and I would be the last to press others to adopt my ways - given how peculiar they can be - but I do feel that the Jaguar does require us owners to exhibit a little panache to compliment the smug grin.

On 7/21/2018 at 9:58 AM, Oldkeeper said:

I now have another major problem with the Jag in that the new Oakleys HM purchased do not fit into the glasses holder on the overhead console. Frankly, I'm getting brassed off with people asking if I'm Edna Everidge's uncle and asking if they can borrow one of my many hats whilst they take a "selfie".

Its not you they want to photograph. Most likely its your HM or possibly the Jag they want the selfie with.😎

Please note that I am trying to stay on the good side of the fair s*x at present in a foolish attempt to mollify the rapacious Jag snatchers from only slightly east of here.

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      Please find attached your club label – please can this be distributed amongst your club members prior to the event. Please ensure that they print this label and display it in their windscreen upon entry to the event, this ensures that all members wishing to park within your club area are directed to the correct parking location by our stewards. Please do not modify or add logos to the club label.

      We do ask that all individuals have purchased their tickets on an individual basis in advance via our website, to speed up the entry process on the day. This can be done on our website here until 2pm on the day when admission closes: https://www.beaulieu.co.uk/events/simply-jaguar.

      Note that we do have two entrances available, one is exhibitors gate at the bottom of the hill as you come in to Beaulieu, with the other being the normal Simply event entrance within the attraction. Either entrance is fine to use and both are open from 9.00am, with the exhibitors entrance closing around 11am.

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    • Simply Jaguar - Beaulieu Motor Museum - 25th June 2023
      Jaguar Owners Club have a stand at this years Simply Jaguar event at the National Motor Museum at Beaulieu, Hampshire on Sunday 26th June 2023

      Tickets are available online here: https://www.beaulieu.co.uk/events/simply-jaguar/

      Participant prices are only valid if arriving in a Jaguar and taking part in the rally. They are not valid for those arriving on foot.

      Participants can make the most of our EARLY BIRD discount by booking before 28th February 2023.

      Children under 5 require a ticket, this can be booked online free of charge.

      Participant and visitor tickets will include entrance to the rest of the Beaulieu attraction, including the National Motor Museum, Palace House, Little Beaulieu, World of Top Gear, Beaulieu Abbey and its grounds and gardens.

      The best time for viewing the Simply rally is between 10am and 2pm.





      Participants – Early Bird*



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      Normal admission applies.

      Normal admission applies

      *Early bird tickets are available until 28th February 2023

      Entry with your Jaguar is from 9am – 2pm. Please make sure you have your ticket printed or available on your phone, ready to be scanned on arrival.

      Please do not arrive early for our Simply rallies as no facilities will be open prior to 9:30am.

      Cars cannot leave and re-enter the grounds for the Simply rallies.



      We do ask for a final update on numbers 2 weeks prior to the event following which we will send out club labels to you via email for you to then distribute out to club members. Club members then need to print and display these in their windscreen on arrival. This helps us then park you all in your club area together.

      1. Trevor (admin)
      2.  Paj
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