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I’m frustrated with myself, I let the fuel level run too low (range indicated 15 miles) and ran out 50 yds from ththe petrol station....the first time in over 30 years I’ve run out and the only time with the car still telling me I had fuel?

I can only presume I’ve now got air in the system, as now it won’t start.  I’ve added 2 cans of diesel, yet it still shows a range of only 15 miles?  I know how sensitive the battery level is, so I’m giving it a full charge, but lack any ideas as to what else to do.

Anyone seen this?


Hi Mike,

There are many articles around on this problem as it is a fairly common error - never trust the fuel gauge in particular, personally I get nervous when I get below quarter full.

It's likely that some rubbish has been pulled through from the bottom of the fuel tank and is blocking the fuel filter. The filter will need to be removed and cleaned or replaced before the pump will be able to push fuel to the fuel injector rails.

If you're comfortable with working on the oily bits yourself its a job that can be done at home but you will need the workshop manual for reference, You can find copies on this site, Raistlin posted them a couple of months back.

Hope this helps.




Luckily for me, giving the car a good rock to agitate the fuel in the tank, a full charge of the battery plus the booster pack and it started, the pump obviously cleared an air lock.  All now OK, lesson learned, I’ll run it 1/4 to full in future.



Cheers Mike, thats good news. These cats can be and sometimes bordering on the downright sadistic - remember we're the mouse in this relationship.


It is testing me Steve, but I still love it, so onward we go with a growing list of small issues to sort-out.  I knew when I started putting miles on a using a 12-year old car that had only covered £50k there would be a few issues, but currently they are coming thick and fast!

I’m starting to wonder if I’ll ever get everything sorted as the AC has now packed-up, it went from brilliantly cold to not cold at all, more forum searching.......



A Jaguar is the only thing for which a hint of masochism is worth while - and sometimes a fundamental owners requirement. That said, the S Type and the grin that comes with them is worth it.

After you've sorted out the aircon, and before winter, take a good luck at the ABS sensors and reluctor rings on the rear wheels. Giving them a good clean now could save you grief in the winter months - the forum typically gets a slew of problems that appear very painful that are in fact rooted in minor faults with the ABS.

Take care, and keep us posted.

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