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I recently had a problem with the touchscreen failing to boot up properly. This was fixed by changing out the bluetooth module beneath the Left front seat.. The cause of the problem was water getting into the area, it was saturated. This seems to be a fairly common problem. I am try to find where the water is getting in and have found a fault in the door seal but I am not convinced that it is the cause.

Has anyone else had the problem and traced the leak to elsewhere on the car, to give me a clue as to where to start looking?


  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

Old thread. But I discovered a serious rain leak that enters in behind the rubber Where the windscreen meets the roof gutter (top of pillar.) and runs into the car behind the airbag covers just inside the door.   Strip away the trim and ™ a hose over it. It is likely to do the same at the back too!

alternatively it may occur at the bottom of the pillar where the cowling lifts from the windscreen. Entering elsewhere 

  • 2 months later...


I've the same problem water under spare wheel with my XF Jaguar 2013 plate.

Only had this car nearly 3 years no problems then January 2020 took it to our local car dealer who said there's 6 inches of water in the boot, they had it for 2 weeks with nothing resolved.

Took it to Jaguar dealer and they didn't come up with a solution and we still have problem. I've been looking on other Jaguar forum sites and someone has suggested it could be a rear vent seal behind rear bumper below the rear lights (it's a known issue!!) Also said there's a grommet in the boot which can be removed and then drain water.

Our problem is still not fixed but having seen this solution from other people I may take it back to the garage and see if they can solve the problem by looking at the rear vent seal??

Hope this was of some use??



There's a known issue with faulty drainage holes in the rear doors that Jaguar will rectify for free if that is found to be the case. My driver's side rear door was completely full before they made the hole larger and it's been fine since. The sloshing noise every time I braked alerted me to it! 

Might be worth a look although I acknowledge that it may be more of an isolated issue in light of where the water is spreading to and being discovered in the other posts above.

  • 5 months later...

Hi I have a  jaguar xf 2010 had the windscreen replaced and noticed when its raining  the  vin number window fills up with water. Had the  windscreen  replaced again thinking it was badly fitted  Same  problem again any ideas?

  • 2 months later...

I had a similar problem in 2016 and it was traced back to a fault on the aircon.

The pipe that takes away condensation passes through the car in the passenger side front footwell.

If that has come loose (poorly connected in the factory) then the water can run down the outside of the pipe and then when it hits the point where it exits under the car the seal at that point prevents it from dropping throught the floor, it builds up under the carpet and will naturally flow back into the rear footwell when you accelerate. In my case it came up through the connections for the mats in the rear and I had standing water in the rear footwell. Seems like I have the same problem back on the replacement XF I got when I traded that particular factory lemon back in. 4 years later I now have standing water again, but this time in the rear driver side footwell.

The lesson to me now is never ever buy a new Jaguar, the quality control is dismal.


Welcome to the club, Stuart.

I have never bought a new car  --  company cars for 29 years -- and one of the new cars I had supplied me with a foot bath every time it rained. It went back to Ford about 20 times in 6 months and they never managed to find the reason.

With a bit luck I found that the factory had forgotten to put in a grommet inside the wheel arch.

I invested in a grommet myself and no more footbaths.  Until ---

A Morris Ital [I whisper].   Water poured in due to a gap in the bonnet, repaired with Plasticine.  You could not blame that for the engine blowing up, though.

The moral of the story is never buy a new car.



  • 3 months later...

I have  a2015 XF Sportbarke and I had ingress on the passenger side, quite a bad ingress, I had the pollen housing resealed but to no avail, I then placed some black insulation tape to cover the gap between the screen and the scuttle and it stopped overnight, about 3 months later I had a serious stone chip that could not be repaired so had a new screen under insurance, cost me £90 excess., after that no tape and no ingress whatever so it was a badly fitted screen after all. .


I have a 2009 XF and I have already blown the bluetooth module under the passenger seat due to water getting in some how.

All I seem to find is people saying their carpets are soaked where mine are dry to the touch yet underneath is soaking 

  On 3/2/2020 at 1:49 PM, Julie 69 said:


I've the same problem water under spare wheel with my XF Jaguar 2013 plate.

Only had this car nearly 3 years no problems then January 2020 took it to our local car dealer who said there's 6 inches of water in the boot, they had it for 2 weeks with nothing resolved.

Took it to Jaguar dealer and they didn't come up with a solution and we still have problem. I've been looking on other Jaguar forum sites and someone has suggested it could be a rear vent seal behind rear bumper below the rear lights (it's a known issue!!) Also said there's a grommet in the boot which can be removed and then drain water.

Our problem is still not fixed but having seen this solution from other people I may take it back to the garage and see if they can solve the problem by looking at the rear vent seal??

Hope this was of some use??



Hi, check rear windscreen seal, the bonding agent it crap from the factory, I had my front windscreen changed due to it leaking and the fitter said he’s  always doing Jaguar xf’s front and rear screens due to them leaking

  • 1 year later...
  On 3/2/2020 at 1:49 PM, Julie 69 said:


I've the same problem water under spare wheel with my XF Jaguar 2013 plate.

Only had this car nearly 3 years no problems then January 2020 took it to our local car dealer who said there's 6 inches of water in the boot, they had it for 2 weeks with nothing resolved.

Took it to Jaguar dealer and they didn't come up with a solution and we still have problem. I've been looking on other Jaguar forum sites and someone has suggested it could be a rear vent seal behind rear bumper below the rear lights (it's a known issue!!) Also said there's a grommet in the boot which can be removed and then drain water.

Our problem is still not fixed but having seen this solution from other people I may take it back to the garage and see if they can solve the problem by looking at the rear vent seal??

Hope this was of some use??



Hi Julie,

I had the same issue, yes you are right. It is the rear vent inside the boot is causing the issue. Either you can replace them. I bought a silicon sealant and pasted around the vent. Now there is no water ingress on my boot.

Another potential issue will pop up is Central Junction Box where all the fuses are there.. The box might have moisture will cause auto start stop failure, GPS failure.

Another potential problem is boot loom wire. Which causes your rear camera to showing cracked signals. Sometimes your boot might not open on pressing the button. But it can be accessed by remote.


I have a 2016 XF. I brought my car to the dealer last year with a similar issues with water in the passenger door. The dealer stated they were not able to find the cause. Last week, I tried to auto start my car and it would not start from inside my house.  However, I was able to start with the key fob once I was at the door of the vehicle. I had no reoccurring auto start issues that week. One week later, I went to auto-start the vehicle  and the car wouldn't start. It gave a message stating the key was not detected.

So after some research, I found there are few reasons for this message. I started with the easiest fix... a jump. The car still would not start.  So, the next option was to change the key fob battery. That didn't work. I still was getting that message as well as the message battery low. So, I moved to the next fix ...change the battery. When changing the battery, I discover about 2 gallons of water in the battery well.  Oddly enough, I remembered the same type of issue with the water in the passenger door. So, I removed the water from the well and totally dried the area. I then removed the battery and  installed the new battery ....temporarily. And still the car did not start. But, I then realized although the car wasn't starting, I was hearing a clicking sound in the front near the engine which was indicating that battery was good  and working properly.

So, now I am stuck as to what is the true issue. Is it a key fob issue?  Do the key fobs just need to be reprogrammed? If so, how without having to tow my car to the dealer? Is it auto shut off issue? Is it a battery issue? Is it a electrical issue?  Does, it have anything to do with the battery sitting in water for days, or weeks or even months?   

The car still will not start  and I cannot figure out what's the issue. And it seems that I cannot rely on Jaguar as they didn't resolve the issue last time or expose the  common water issue on my last visit to the dealer.

Seems this is a common issue with Jaguar. Can anyone help?????  


Your problems are well documented, search for “XF slam vents” and “XF water in doors”. These are easy fixes.

Check also for “XF water wicking issue”.

  • 1 year later...

Just found that the air con drain hose clips into centre part of the body behind the carpet and drains through to the outside. This had unclipped itself aimage.thumb.jpeg.6cf08fbf354ab94630894452f72c07f2.jpegnd started leaking into the vehicle.

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