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I am struggling to understand the type of SIM required for my 2016 XF-S as I am getting conflicting information.

Will an ordinary SIM (with minutes, data and texts ) be OK or does it have to be a Data only SIM? Data only is not common amongst the service providers and EE have quoted more than twice the "normal" rate for data only!! Any guidance would be appreciated. T I A!!


Hi Rob.....welcome to the Club

It would probably be best to obtain a data only SIM as there should be good deals through companies such as 3 or Tesco for 20GB data packages.

Good to have you onboard

Cheers,  Trevor


Thanks Trevor! I’ll look into Tesco’s deals. I wasn’t sure if a normal SIM was suitable.  Will keep you posted. 


I have a standard sim in mine, works fine. But if you plan to set it up as a hotspot, then likely it will be cheaper to get a data sim (which also can be used for calls and texts). 3 has a 24gb data sime, that only expires after 2 years. Search for 'three data sim 24gb' on amazon and you will find it for about 45 quid. Directly at 3, it is 60 quid.


Thanks KK! I have a data SIM from O2 but the car still refuses to use it! The menu on the car is not showing the carrier name etc that the owners manual shows. After selecting connectivity & turning on mobile data the car says its reading the SIM (but isn’t!!) then it unselects the mobile data !! Perhaps a faulty SIM reader and there tone for Jaguar!! 🙄

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