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Hi Martyn, presumably you are referring to the outside of the convertible hood? I haven't found anything to recolour the hood as yet, but not really looked in earnest. I did speak with the Autoglym and Meguiar's folks over the summer, but their products don't cover a colouring. Possible the Furniture Clinic folks will have something.

As for cleaning, then the first step would be to give it a serious vacuuming so as to remove the majority of the cat hair and other associated debris. Then, I recommend the Meguiar's Convertible products consisting of a Cleaner / Restorer followed by a waterproofing. Unfortunately, it is not usually possible / practical to do both elements on the same day, as the cleaning operation really does need a deep clean and therefore time to thoroughly dry afterwards. For the proofing, the solution is applied from a rattle can, meaning that you are best to mask off the paintwork and glass to avoid getting the spray in areas you don't want. The proofing tends to last 18 - 24 months I find.

The directions on the products are very clear and easy to follow and, from experience, they do a great job.

There is a piece in one of the Jaguar magazines, which I wrote, that I could probably locate and refer you to if you are interested.



That’s great thanks. Yes I was referring to the outside. I’ll have a go with those products.

a link to your article would be interesting thank you 

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