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hello every one pleased to be here, just took delivery of my 2005 s type , the revs seem to be running away with me in traffic so keeping my foot on brake, releaseing slowly,is this a common fault and can it be fixed under waranty, cheers tilly :(




Welcome to the forum.


If you bought the car from a dealer, I'd take it back. They should give you a limited warrenty on it. It sounds like the idle speed needs tuning. Does it rev up in neutral or park or only in drive?


If you bought it privately then of course there won't be any warranty so I'd look for an independent service agent. Shame you're in Yorkshire as I know a really good one in Milton Keynes! Check the Recommended Independent Garages on this forum (Under Jaguar Owners Lounge).


Best of luck




hello colin, thanks for help 3 month waranty on jag, when im in traffic and put in drive i have to keep my foot on brake as it is running away from me, also in reverse, when in neutrall its perfect just seems a little sharp when in drive is it best to stay in neutral thanks mark


Hi Mark

Must admit I've not had that problem on my 2.7 Twin Turbo Diesel Sport and sincerely hope I don't! With modern cars there is not a lot you can do yourself. Often things are fixed on a PC as so much is computer controlled. When you shift into drive or reverse the revs should adjust to suit the extra load put on the engine but obviously not as much as you are experiencing. Take it back and see what they say. Meanwhile I'd pop it into neutral to be safe.

Let us know how you get on as handy if anyone else gets a similar problem. I also belong to the Jaguar Drivers' Club Bedfordshire, area 17 and run our area website so any useful tips I can add would be good.


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