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Hi, I am about to buy my first Jaguar.  I have paid a deposit on a 2005 2.2 diesel, manual, with the touch screen navigation system and hope to be driving it by the end of the coming week.  In preparation I have downloaded and read through the various Owner Manuals - I know, probably a bit sad but the weather outside precludes doing much else!  I wonder if anyone can advise as to the following-


1) Is it possible to obtain updates to the navigation system, as I know there have been a number of road layout changes since 2005, and, if so, where from?

2) The car comes with bluetooth connectivity.  I have a Samsung Galaxy Android mobile phone, new in April.  Does anyone have experience of any compatibility issues using latest mobile phones with the car's built in systems.

3) The car has the 6 CD changer unit but in my previous car I used an iPod with a connection to the car's stereo system.  Is there any update available to enable me to use an iPod with the Jag's sound system?


Many thanks.


Look forward to getting behind the  wheel very soon.


I bought an update disc for about £30 delivered.  I emailed the site with my car's details and had a quick reply telling me the correct disc.


Much cheaper than going through the Jaguar main dealer.


Just follow the instructions about pairing a mobile 'phone.  I have a Samsung Galaxy Fame and it was an easy job.



  • Like 1

Many thanks for your response, Peter.  I have been digging through various web-sites and was amazed to see that the updates are around £260 from Jaguar themselves, more like £360 for the full European set, but just £29 from MY SATNAV UPDATES.  Are they really one and the same?  I have always believed "you get what you pay for" so want to be sure the £29 update is the real-deal.






It is the right one, Brian, and it works fine.


It is worth remembering that it is just the maps that are being updated.


Before I bought mine I did a bit of checking and emailed MY SATNAV UPDATES just to check.








why bother with an Ipod, they're rubbish for music anyhow , I binned mine.. Why not just use a USB stick , that's what I do, and the music is flawless and at a far higher quality than the ipod, Also the music is easier to put on a USB stick as it's just drag and drop, with no need for that terrible Itunes software.







Thanks for the response. I would use the iPod because I have been using one for the past five years. My last car had a sound system with a lead into which I simply connected the iPod. It worked very well and was 100% reliable.

Secondly, what would I plug a USB stick into in the Jag?




             Fair enough. I just presumed your Jag had a USB port , I just find ipods very poor music reproduction systems . But you can get transmitter systems that you plug into the cigarette lighter and use one of the frequencies on the radio to play the MP3 player, or in your case your Ipod through. I have used this system in the past also and found it fine . They are cheap and widely available, got mine from Amazon and think it was called a Griffin.





I am just a bit of a Luddite, Trevor and Brian.  I got one of these new fangled CD's when my cars stopped coming with a cassette player.


I just stick 6 in the boot and when I am fed up with  them I change them.




Dear Peter,

                   You can't be that much of a Luddite. most people would regard you as super trendy as you own Apple stuff and shop at IKEA. What are cd's? I have loads in the loft you can have if you wish. This is the thing I was telling Brian about , this one is specifically for the Ipod, but other versions are available for other MP3 players, and cheaper versions also.  it is a far better idea than cd's







P.S. Peter, Surely if your JaaaaaG is a 2007 one it must have a USB port?


Hi Trevor,


My S type has two power sources but neither is specific for a USB port.  You can get the standard car connection with a USB port connection, one of which I probably have somewhere.


I will probably enter the 21st Century under tutelage from one of my grandchildren, probably the one who is just 7 who already has a Samsung Tablet.






Dear Peter,

                     Just bought my father in law a Samsung tablet also, he's 87 and is getting on fine with it .


I just stay in 1979 by choice.






P.S.,Coming up T' North in April to a concert in Leicester


Thanks for all the interest.  Interesting to hear that latest generation of cars have USB connection facilities (I see you are shown as having a 2012 model, Trevor), however, my budget is a bit more limiting and I am looking at a 2005 car - an X Type 2.2 diesel SE.  This has the cassette and CD multi-changer built in.  


I haven't used cassettes in over twenty years and certainly won't be using that facility!  The CD multi-changer is fine but I have been using the iPod in my outgoing car for the past few years and have a vast collection of material on it, in fact, if I played all tracks sequentially, non-stop, it would take 29 days before they start to repeat!  When I bought my last car - a Volvo V70, I changed the radio CD unit to one that would support MP3 players.  The Jag's unit appears to be far more integrated than the one in the Volvo so don't intend to replace it but had hoped there might be an update available to allow an MP3 player to be attached.  Not the end of the world if this cannot be done.  I retired late last year so my mileage will be far less than it used to be and 6 CDs will easily cover the requirements but it would be nice to have the full flexibility of being able to use the play-lists I have set up on the iPod, not to mention the various podcasts I like to listen to while driving.






Further to last message, thanks for the info on the Griffin iTrip unit.  I have not heard of this before but looking at the details on the web, this may do the job.  I will dig further to see - http://www.radioandtelly.co.uk/griffin_itrip_dualconnect.html


Indeed, there may actually be an even better way to use the standard facilities within the "older" Jag I am buying.  I have just been on the Griffin Technologies site and see they offer a "cassette" shaped connector which will plug the iPod into the cassette drive - http://store.griffintechnology.co.uk/ipod/ipod-touch/directdeck


At only £10 this has to be worth trying as it should do what i want without any modification to the car's systems.





Dear Brian,

                     I am also retired . Had a bit of luck in the money department, so I'm not flash in the slightest. The wife bought me an Aston Martin DB 9 for my birthday, whilst it was in for service someone ran into it . The garage is also a Jaguar as well as an Aston franchise . The XJ Supersport belonged to one of the Jaguar directors and they let me borrow it . it is a fantastic car, so they have let me keep it, it is so far superior in every single way to the Aston . Apart from the usual Luxury (and USB port) , it has a 1200 watt 20 speaker sound system , and three TV's' .


As I get older I get worse, and have just changed my christian name from Trevor to Hendrix (honest) .


And as Peter claims he is even older (definitely wiser ) than us I think you should both join my club .







  • Like 2
  On 1/7/2014 at 10:38 AM, Diddler said:

I was expecting, "what is a USB port."

Sorry Peter just kidding.


Hi Trevor, 


I even know what a floppy disc is.  I probably still have some which are probably with the vinyl records.


Grumpy Old men  ---  as you say, Founder member!






I'm not sure whether any X-Type ever had the USB port fitted as standard. It comes with the ACM (Audio Connectivity Module) that also provides some other connections. The ACM is a tiny bit jerry-rigged in style as it basically replaces the CD changer (there's a switch you can use to alternate between the two) and folders on a USB stick are apparently seen as if they were CDs in the changer.


If you have an X-Type with a tape deck and possess any soldering skill, you are in luck as there's a simple and free (aside from the cost of that single cable) way of plugging anything into it. The only two drawbacks are that you have to have a blank tape in the player and the chance of ground loop interference if you charge your preferred MP3 player from the cigar lighter.


Regarding those navigation update discs, the cheap ones are almost certainly pirate copies. There's no other plausible explanation for the difference in price. Realistically of course, nobody is going to drop £300+ on a map update to a 12 year old satnav (and 2012 is the last update the X-Type/S-Type/X350 and X358 XJ will get).

The discs are also available online, and at least downloading them for free means not benefitting the pirates in any monetary way.

  • Like 1

The specifications for both the X Type and the S Type jaguar do not include a USB port.


The Discs from MY SATNAV UPDATE are genuine Denso discs and not pirate discs.  They are map updates which if bought from a Jaguar dealer would cost £161.  I was quietly advised that looking at the internet would produce an identical and cheaper one with the most recent one for both the S Type and the X type being the 2012 one.



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I have a Samsung Galaxy S3 and it works flawlessly with the Jaguar bluetooth phone system in my 2005 2.2D.

I don't have the touchscreen in mine, just the climate etc.


I recently posted on the Lounge section of the site regarding bluetooth audio as I've just wired in a bluetooth system to my Jag which allows me to use my phone for both telephone audio and music audio completely wirelessly.


Take a look here - http://www.jaguarownersclub.com/forums/topic/9377-bluetooth-audio-for-non-bluetooth-jags/

  • Like 1

Many thanks.  I have just taken delivery of my 2005 2.2D SE and am very pleased with it.  However, I cannot seem to access the bluetooth facility and wonder if this was an option that might not have been fitted to this car.  If I press the phone button to the left of the touch screen I just get a message that there is no phone connected.  My car is fitted with the touch screen navigation system, by the way.




Hi Brian,


Is the bluetooth switched on on your phone and is the phone in the car with you?


Sometime you forget the obvious!  You will also need to pair the phone with the car.


I had a 2005 x type SE [2.5 petrol] and it would not connect to My Samsung galaxy and I could never solve it.






Peter,  Yes the bluetooth facility is switched on (it was previously paired with the bluetooth in my old car) and I set it to scan when sitting in the Jag.  I have downloaded the bluetooth In-Car manual from JagDocs but cannot find any of the screens shown in the manual relating to the phone system or setting up the pairing.  When i press the PHONE button I just get the message "there is no phone fitted" or something along those lines.  The manual implies I should at least be able to access a keypad to enable me to enter set up code numbers but I cannot find this on the car's system.  The touch screen is working perfectly for the Audio and Navigation facilities.  Makes me wonder if there is no Bluetooth module installed in the car.


I also note that in the car's handbook it states "Only available when a Jaguar telephone is fitted" and there is no mention of Bluetooth in the index in the manual.






Hi Brian,


I have just checked with my owner's manual and a keypad should come up on the touch screen.  The manual I have is titled IN CAR TELEPHONE.  Luckily, a full set of Owner's Manuals came with my car and the publication details for the above are JJM 10 31 99 552 and was published in June 2005.  Check if your manual is the same. My Manual covers the X type, the S Type and the XJ.


There is a topic on the Forum titled bluetooth Connectivity Guide which also could be useful.  


I don't know how to check if the module is fitted but that could be the only other reason.






My Jag is the climate model without the touchscreen and I had similar problems however mine now works perfectly. With mine I had toenter a code and then pair the phone. Try this, I copied it from the link I got the information for my non-touchscreen system and the bit below is the section for the touchscreen model.

Vehicles with touch-screenFollow these steps to pair your phone with the vehicle:1. Switch the vehicle's ignition ON (position II).2. Press the Phone mode button, to the left of the touch-screen.3. Using the touch-screen keypad, enter the code '##3#*#', then press theSend/End button to the bottom right of the touch-screen.4. The message 'Discover Me' will be displayed, to confirm that the system isready to pair with a mobile phone.5. Switch on your mobile phone's bluetooth connection,using the phone's menu. (See your phone's manual for more information).6. Select 'search for other bluetooth devices' or 'Audio Accessories' from yourmobile phone's menu.7. Select 'Jaguar' in your phone's paired device list, in order to connect tothe vehicle's bluetooth system.8. Enter the Passkeyon your mobile phone (the Passkey is 1313).9. Under certain circumstances, the message 'No BT Phone' may be displayedbriefly.10. After a short delay, the message 'Phone Connected' will confirm that thephone and vehicle are paired. Once a mobile phone is paired with the vehicle,the vehicle will look for this specific phone everytime the ignition isswitched ON.

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