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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/09/2014 in all areas

  1. I have a Samsung Galaxy S3 and it works flawlessly with the Jaguar bluetooth phone system in my 2005 2.2D. I don't have the touchscreen in mine, just the climate etc. I recently posted on the Lounge section of the site regarding bluetooth audio as I've just wired in a bluetooth system to my Jag which allows me to use my phone for both telephone audio and music audio completely wirelessly. Take a look here - http://www.jaguarownersclub.com/forums/topic/9377-bluetooth-audio-for-non-bluetooth-jags/
    1 point
  2. Hi Simon, I've owned Citroens in the past and they always had excellent brakes, having said that the ones on my '04 V8 are the most powerful I've ever had, but you do have to push fairly hard before they really bite. If you can get the ABS to engage on a dry road then they're powerful enough, you've got more brake power than grip from your tyres. Mike
    1 point
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