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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/14/2015 in all areas

  1. Being somewhat disappointed by the standard horns on The Princess, I was looking for a convenient replacement setup. Personally, I like air horns, but there isn't really sufficient space to fit a standard air horn compressor and horns. A colleague suggested a Stebel Nautilus Compact so I bought one but when it arrived it seemed altogether too small to be of much use. However, I fitted it temporarily to test. My god, I thought the Titanic had returned. The darned thing scared the bejabers out of me. Not that I'm boy racer you understand but the OEM horns just do not match the magisterial presence of the car. Now even those spotty faced erks (like my grandson) will hear The Princess even above the racket their stereos make.
    1 point
  2. I think the 2003 might be updated, but the dipped on the 2001 is pretty straightforward. Unscrew the black cover at the back of the unit, remove the wiring block for access and ferk about with the bulb clip to release it. If I recall you push the non hinged towards the front of the car until it clears the hooks on the back of the light it locates into. i.e. on the offside light (left from the front), the non hinged end is on the left. The clip can then hinge out of the way to allow bulb removal. Hope this helps ;)
    1 point
  3. Easier than that Andy, if they're the standard 65mm ones, they slide straight over the top and are secured with a couple of grubs underneath :)
    1 point
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