Hi all
I am looking at buying an 08/09 XF and want to ask your advice on the 2.7 or 3.0 diesel engine. I have been told that the 2.7 was a very good Peugeot engine, but the 3.0 is later technology. In your wealth of experience can anyone offer me any advice? Thanks.
I'd go with the 3.0, It had many improvements over the 2.7
The 2.7 way a joint venture, Jaguar, land-rover, Peugeot, Renault and Citroën, are just a few.
I had the XF3.0D S, and found that a wonderful engine.
It was a lovely quiet cruiser when I wanted it that way, but quite an animal when I opened up.
I had no problems whatsoever with the engine. The only items that were less than perfect were the TPMS and the disc pad wear sensors.
read up further up the page at my other post
look here as well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xebdRYwtjE&utm_source=JaguarOwnersClub&utm_medium=ForumLinks&utm_campaign=referrals&utm_source=JaguarOwnersClub&utm_medium=ForumLinks&utm_campaign=referrals