Good morning (or whatever it may be while you're reading this).
I've been lurking for a while before (and after) joining, but courtesy dictates an introduction. First of all, I don't have a Jaguar, only a battered, old Hilux which I plan on having forever. Second, I live in Norway, where cars are expensive (and the expensive and powerful ones are even more expensive) and rust is a huge problem because of the long winters and the salting of roads. Third, Clangers was my favourite tv show when I was a kid (but seeing a rerun in colour in the nineties was a traumatic shock I'm still recovering from). Oh, and I don't like SUVs, nor am I a big fan of the E-type. I do, however, like the Mark 2, the XJ series 1-3, the XK8 and the S-type.