This is not a difficult question, but the answer can vary from person to person.
In 1963, when I was still driving motorcycles, I sat the Motor Cycle dealer/mechanic restoring a Jaguar M1 in the yard at the back of his premises. I also saw it when restored. He was offered a shedload of money, but he refused. He said driving a Jaguar was not about money. He would loan it to Jaguar Deaers for a display occasionally. Where it went to I do not know as I moved house, jobs, etc, but I thought I saw it last year after it had been given to the Motor Museum in the Lake district.
From that date I wanted a Jaguar. A change of jobs brought a company car, no not aJaguar, but a Ford Escort, followed by 9 others and then Austin/Mprris Models before 5 years of Rovers and a Toyota Avensis.
I retired when the S Type first came out in 1999, but following my principle of not buying a car until it had a few years under its belt, and I bought a Rover Sterling which I kept for 11 years, and when that started to get tatty with 122k on the clock, SWMBO told me I had to have a Jaguar, and our first Jaguar was bought, a 2005 X Type 2.5AWD. I kept it for 18 months when it was "borrowed" by three gentlemen who got free accommodation for 8 years in one of Her Majesty's premises.
SWMBO responded with her usual sensible conclusion, saying that we should turn a disaster into an opportunity and that I had to get the S Type, which she knew I wanted. Three weeks and much work on the lap top. and after emailing several main dealers I had a phone call form a relatively local dealer saying that they had a car that fitted my requirements. A few hours later an S type with all the bells and whistles on my list was ours.
Even after owning a Jaguar for 18 months, I found the S Type 2.7D a pleasure to drive, and even with 55 years of car ownership the experience was unique. Some people think that Jaguars are expensive to run, but my experience is that it is not so. Even the fuel usage when driven properly is pretty good. The S type is not a boy racer's car, and those young members of the club also know that it is not an old person's car. As Bill Lyons said when the Mark 2 and the first s type were both launched "Grace Pace and Space" a and the younger members enjoy the Grace as well as the Pace.
I have had Morgana for over 4 and a half years now, it is a great drive, and I do like to with off the radio and listen to the quiet growl of the big diesel.