I am very pleased to be able to tell members that Lancaster Jaguar, Tamworth are putting on an Event for the Jaguar Owners Club on Sunday, the 22nd of July, 2018 at their premises in Tamworth.
While the event is titled "Midlands" it is open to all JOC members and I hope that a good number of members from all over the country are able to come.
Lancaster Jaguar are based just off the A5, and are close to the M6, M5 and the M42. There will be plenty of parking space, as the Dealership will be putting cars into storage to make room for the JOC members.
Lancaster Jaguar are going to present trophies for the best three cars, and are hoping that there will be some vintage and classic cars for all to admire, as well as the more modern cars that will be the future classics in the automotive world.
Mandi Rawlings, of Lancaster Jaguar [ a member of the JOC] will also post additional information.
I am looking forward to seeing as many members as possible on the day. Tamworth in a nice old town, and the Dealership is within walking distance of many shops which might be of interest to SMWBO.