Thought I would make my first post in this section, I have been a regular on the S-TYPE forum but now added a 2004 XJR to the collection.
Another Jaguar model that I was selling when they were new and promised myself one at some point.
I spent some time travelling around looking for something suitable, I still work at a Jaguar dealership but waiting for something to come in as a part exchange is a waste of time (rarely see X350's or X358's these days)
Travelled a lot of miles to look at cars with various independent dealers and have to say that unfortunately, it reinforced many of the negative stereotypes that customers have about the motor trade !
Lots of badly described and poorly presented cars, which were up for sale at 'retail' money, if you own one of these and want to scare yourself silly, get a true 'trade value' based on Glasses Guide or CAP Black Book !
Ended up buying this one privately, it isn't perfect but a hell of a lot better than the ones that I went to look at with 'traders'
My pet hate is 'over describing' used cars, especially if someone is travelling a long way to look at it.
No one expects perfection on cars that are now at least 10 years old but I would rather someone tells it like it is.
Made these guys aware that I was 'in the trade' and that the car was for myself, explained that I would not try to get them to drop the price based on 'book' prices but wanted an honest appraisal of the car to see if I was wasting their time and mine.
Unfortunately this didn't happen !
Not naming names, it was an interesting learning curve as a buyer rather than a seller but made me realise that I take it for granted how we expect cars to be prepared and presented.