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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/30/2022 in all areas

  1. After 18 months + of the battery light coming on [ when hot ] in my 02 x type , I noticed the positive lead to battery getting very hot . So made a complete new one and fitted it [not easy] .But it worked Henry
    1 point
  2. Victor Sorry to hear about the problems with buying a car. You do not actually state that you bought the cat from a retail dealer, but It is a reasonable assumption that you did. Be careful if you did not and bought it privately, as different laws apply. Also even if bought from a dealer, please be certain that you did not agree to any disclaimers, rules, etc etc, imposed by the seller in writing. Many dealers do actually supply "Trade Deal " cars, which may be applicable to constrained rules, etc, etc. If bought from a retail dealer, then as previously quoted, "Get it back to the dealer/seller asap and insist that it is put right or your money is refunded in full. Good Luck and Best Wishes, Regards, John
    1 point
  3. Hi Phil, welcome to the Jaguar Owners Club. Yes the above is true, I had similar problem. I got advice from RAC legal. sent email stating this and quoting the law. Surprising how quickly their attitude changed! They must fix it do it asap. Kind Regards, Julie.
    1 point
  4. You should take it back to the garage you bought it from and get them to fix it for free It’s your rights after all, sale of goods act and all that…
    1 point
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