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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/24/2024 in all areas

  1. Thank you and I feel the same with regards to the car. A car I fell in love with, purchased without ever seeing it let alone sitting in one (during covid) Jaguar didn’t have the colour I wanted anywhere down south so had this one shipped to me. Sounds like a love story 😂 but I really have enjoyed and loved it. Now, umm… how can I trust a car that blows up? If they replace the engine with the same !Removed! engine, who’s to say it won’t do it again and next time I could have my son on the car and my husband over seas (he spends 80% of his time away with work). Loosing faith in a car is when it’s time to get rid of it, however on the flip, you’d like to think lightening won’t strike twice? For now I just want it off the drive (thankfully it will be back at !Removed! Lovett (tomorrow afternoon). It won’t be looked at for 2-3 weeks which is fine as we are away for a month come Thursday, so I’ll be picking up the drama when I get home. !Removed! Lovett will email me with the diagnostics when done. Let’s just keep everything crossed that what !Removed! Lovett have said, will be what’s offered or better 🤞 With regards to the American action taking place, this is great and I’ll also go look as they need to be held accountable and England need to follow suit! I glad you sorted your car out but gutted that it cost you so much money 😬😢 JLR shouldn’t be allowed to get away with this!
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