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Showing content with the highest reputation since 08/21/2010 in Posts

  1. As an S-Type owner, you'll be aware (I guess) of how sensitive the electronics is to low battery voltage. You'll maybe not know though, what you're expected to do after dis-connecting and re-connecting the battery. I've put together a PDF document which takes you through the procedure step by step. Nothing that isn't readily available elsewhere but just gathered together and (in my view) logically ordered into a single reference. It also includes how to get the audio system working when you don't have the security code I've been asked for it so many times that I though I'd make a thread just for access to that document so here it is:- Battery reset.pdf
    10 points
  2. Robert, With respect ……..as an ex University lecturer I would have thought that you would realise that there are several common sense ways of diminishing the damage to your ‘writings’ and thus reducing your rising heart rate! As a person who has a movement disorder (Generalised Dystonia) which means that among other things i have ‘wandering fingers’ that continually make typing mistakes and often delete whole messages, (which as you say is infuriating)………. I ALWAYS write everything in ‘Word’ first and save it as I go, then ‘copy and paste’ what I have written into the relevant destination. That way if I lose it I always have a copy. Simple common sense really! I think your criticism of the technical make up of this forum is quite unfair and unwarranted, as it is manned and run exclusively by volunteers, in their own unpaid time, for our benefit. (that is for my benefit AND yours), and thus should be applauded for their hard work and endeavours. We are all flawed human beings Robert. None of us are perfect. If there are deep seated problems with access to the forum as you suggest, nobody else has posted a complaint, which does seem odd, given your technical explanation! Always remember that there are other more subtle ways to complain such as a ‘private message’ to a moderator, without resorting to irate comments which do absolutely nothing to enhance the reputation of University lecturers, or even ex lecturers. Always treat others the way you would like to be treated by them! Have a nice day. John Kirk
    7 points
  3. Hello Everyone Firstly I must say that these are my opinions and not condoned or endorsed by the club. I am now in my fifties and one thing that I find sad is that the word "help" is treated by so many people with suspicion It as though they are waiting for " but it will cost you" Clubs like this in my opinion help restore the values I was taught as a child. Members genuinely help others with no hidden agendas it's just good old fashioned "I will help you" and so I would like to help someone I have six new pencil coils and gaskets that I bought for my s type my disability stopped me fitting them for a while and when I felt well enough to have a go at changing them I found that the connection on the new ones is too small so if someone wants them and can pick them up they can have them no strings just in the club spirit of help they are free
    6 points
  4. The Jag Specialist. Unit 7a Gunhills Lane Ind. EST. Armthorpe. Doncaster. South Yorkshire. DN3 3EB. www thejagspecialist.com Lots of reviews on line. Level 4 Jaguar Master Tech and ATA registered Master Tech. S Type loan car available.
    6 points
  5. Retro-fitting Bluetooth phone on the later model S-Types is a bit of a nightmare. Conventional wisdom has it that the BTUM socket, under the arm-rest storage bin will have eight wires if Bluetooth enabled or five wires otherwise has shown itself to be less than accurate recently. I've found several cars that have eight wires but they go to the wrong terminals in the BUTM connector and when traced back seem to bear no correlation at all to the available wiring diagrams. It can be done, but involves either running extra wiring from the boot to the BTUM socket or completely re-wiring a BTUM socket into the phone wiring in the boot. However, there is a much easier way and it relies on the combined Bluetooth / phone module fitted to very few of the last ever S-Types and also later X-Type models. The photograph illustrates the module you need and also shows the microphone (internal one shown here but external and arguably better one is available) and the Bluetooth aerial, complete with Fakra Z type connector which fits the module's aerial connector perfectly and can be had from fleabay for roughly a fiver. Ball park prices on fleabay, for example, would suggest that the components required to do the retro-fit the old way would cost £200. The newer combined module plus the aerial can be had for under £100 so, half the cost and a much easier fit. In addition, the later module allows the touchscreen to display signal strength and phone service supplier as well as allowing up to six different phones to be paired, unlike the earlier setup which allows only one pairing at a time. installation of the module is on the back of the Kaiser panel in the boot, which is directly behind the DVD, CDC, AMP stack. The module is a little smaller than the original so can either be bolted in to place with one bolt, or you could drill the Kaiser panel to secure it with four bolts. In my view, a sufficiently tightened single bolt will do the job. Then all that is required is to plug in the connector which will already be in the loom, make a D2B (fibre optic loop) connection, and plug in the aerial. The aerial is not for the phone's connection to the outside world, it merely serves for the Bluetooth wireless link and as such, it will work perfectly well if located under the parcel shelf or just behind the rear seats. There is no requirement to get it into the arm-rest storage cavity. It can be completely concealed. Initial pairing is the same procedure as for the earlier setup, except that it seems to pair a lot more quickly, gives you a real-time signal strength, directly from the phone, and also tells you the phone service provider. Well, that's the basics. It took Steve Foxton and I something in the region of thirty minutes to install his Bluetooth setup, start to finish, today. Albeit that the microphone was already installed for Jaguar Voice, but even allowing time for the microphone to be fitted it should be doable in less than an hour I'd say. This has to be one of the simplest retro-fits yet, and it works brilliantly.
    5 points
  6. I have recently seen several post face-lift S-Types where the owners had no idea that they had power folding door mirrors. It seems that such conveniences are soon forgotten and as a result, dis-similar metal corrosion takes hold and seizes the bearings. So - do you have power folding mirrors? Unlike the post face-lift cars which had an additional switch in the driver's door pocket, the later cars have no visible indication. To operate the power folding mirrors post face-lift, ensure that the mirror selection switch in the driver's switchpack is set to the central position. Then press the circular positioning switch momentarily down at the rear most edge of the switch whilst watching your mirrors and listening. If your mirrors move smoothly in and out with alternate presses of the switch then all well and good If there is absolutely no discernible movement or the slightest creaking or clicking sound then you probably don't have power folding mirrors (simple enough to retro-fit though). However, when pressing the switch you might see the slightest twitch from one or both of the mirrors and / or hear a slight sound contemporaneously with the operation of the switch. This means that you have seized or partially seized power folding mirrors. My suggestion to free them off is as follows and has been tested on several S-Types with success:- Pop the mirror cover off if you can. Usually this can be achieved with a little judicious probing with a fine edged trim tool or CAREFUL probing with a small screwdriver. PLEASE be careful though as the clips are prone to break, especially in cold weather. In addition, if possible, remove the small lower pivot cover to give even more access. With the cover(s) off you will almost certainly see a load of white powdery corrosion. Brush this off as much as you can. Now, the ideal solution would be to dis-assemble the mirror and give it a darned good clean up but this option appears to be next to impossible, but I'll be grateful if somebody can gainsay me on that . Instead, use a can of spray lithium grease and spray the area of the pivot bearing copiously including externally straight into the joint between the fixed stanchion and the mirror body. Allow a few minutes for it to penetrate (the pressure of the aerosol assists in forcing the lubricant to where it is needed), then, with the engine running, to keep the battery charged, operate the switch and at the same time physically move the mirror on one side of the car. This is best done with two people for the driver's side and impossible to do without two people on the passenger side. You may need to be a little robust initially but feel for the mirror trying to move and then assist it to either fully retract or fully extend. Once the mirror moves full range with assistance you can then gradually reduce and then stop the assistance to gauge the efficacy of the lithium grease. Be prepared to take some considerable time doing this. The longest I've needed was 40 minutes. However the combination of the forced injection of lithium grease aided by the physical assistance will eventually free the mirror pivot up to the extent where it has free unassisted range of movement on both directions for most of the time. Further applications of lithium grease will assist as you progress. Once the mirrors are moving reasonably well, you can replace the covers and clean off the excess grease from the bodywork. Lithium grease is unlike normal grease in that it will quickly disappear when polished off with a rag. SOMETIMES, you can achieve the same result without removing the cover, just by spraying the grease into the joint. However, I would still advocate removing the covers to get a more comprehensive job done. Regular operation of the mirrors will keep them moving freely although you might like to add the lithium grease procedure to your normal maintenance, perhaps on a bi-monthly basis? The following Youtube video, which is not mine and which I hereby acknowledge the originator, may be of assistance but you really do not need to go to the trouble of removing the complete mirror assembly from the door, or removing the mirror glass, in my judgement. S-Type door mirror maintenance I hope this is of help
    5 points
  7. eBay item I know that several members of the forum are keen on obtaining an Audio Connectivity Module kit for S-Type, X-Type and XJ. Please beware. This is NOT what it purports to be. It is, in fact, only parts of the Jaguar Audio Connectivity Module and will NOT function properly, regardless of what the seller tells you. There are several items missing. The seller is clearly not selling what he says he is and anybody who wasn't aware of what an ACM should consist of will be taken in by it. I have reported it to eBay but I assume they will take their usual lackadaisical stance.
    5 points
  8. They all look great, but for me after looking at nine I settled on Italian Racing Red. Ticks my boxes, but if honest would happily drive any colour.
    5 points
  9. Italian racing red 😀
    5 points
  10. Right guys ive had a look for a topic like this and couldnt find one. I thought it may be good to have a topic where we can show off our pride and joys. Heres my 2003 3.0 s-type after its 10th wash, wax and detail in two months! ( yes I know a bit obsessive )
    5 points
  11. Hello everyone. I just thought i would share this experience with you all because i hope it will help some of you out and prevent this series of events coming your way. I recently was having issues with my 2.2D X Type where i would have flat spots under acceleration, kangerooing and simply lack of power. When this would happen my car would go into limp mode and i would have the flashing glow plug light come on. My first point of call was to look for a turbo leak. I had the usual split intercooler pipe coming from the EGR valve. After fitting a new one the fault still existed. So i now replaced the EGR valve in case this was the problem... nope. After some brainstorming i moved on to the MAF sensor, nice and easy job and only £25. Still no change. Clutching at hairs i now aimed for my MAP sensor as the symptoms fit with hard acceleration, turbo pressure gets high etc... After a real struggle i managed to fit a new MAP sensor and believe me that was a struggle there is next to no space down towards the bottom of the intercooler hose. Much to my disappointment this did not solve the problem either... only to find that after all of this work it was my Turbo Actuator that had failed on me! This is apparently a very common fault with the diesel x type, s type and mondeos! So to all if your car has the symptoms i described in the beginning of this post (loss of power, flat spots, hesitation, or kangerooing around 2 - 3000rpm) then i would try the turbo actuator first before putting yourself out for the rest of the work. The actuator is not a big job at all. Hope this is of some use to people!
    5 points
  12. There isn't a production X type R. The r on the back of an S type, XJ or XK means they are fitted with a super charger. The R on the back of an X type means some ones stuck a badge on it.
    5 points
  13. Hi all, With Peter's agreement, please find below, links to the official Jaguar S Type Workshop Manuals and Wiring Diagrams. They are in PDF format so easily viewable... and printable if you've enough paper ;) http://www.raistlin295.com/archive/download/jaguar/WSManual/WSManual.pdf http://www.raistlin295.com/archive/download/jaguar/Wiring/2002/S-Type%202002.5%20Elec%20Guide.pdf http://www.raistlin295.com/archive/download/jaguar/Wiring/2005/2005StypeElectrical.pdf http://www.raistlin295.com/archive/download/jaguar/Wiring/2006/2006STypeElectrical.pdf Perhaps, if found useful, a Mod could pin this thread somewhere?
    4 points
  14. Hi all How about setting up a list of recommended independent garages up and down the country. I recommend:- E & E Services MK Ltd, 114 Tanners Drive, Milton Keynes. Colin Note:- E & E Services are now at 38 Tanners Drive.
    4 points
  15. I think that it can't be too long before an S-Type owner switches on the ignition and gets the horrific shock of seeing multiple failures all being reported at once. The problem is that the electronics in our cars is susceptible to firmware corruption at low voltages and as a result the car will try to "fail safe" by shutting down various systems when it detects a low voltage state. In days gone by, you'd get a warning of impending battery failure because the lights would go dim and the starter motor would make the instantly recognizable churning noise. Not so with our cars though. The first indication is when you get the heart-stopping song and dance routine on the instrument panel. Following advice, I adopted the following solution and offer it here as food for thought. I tend to put my car's battery on trickle charge once a week overnight. Since I started doing so, I've never suffered the failure routine again. Being of a generally lazy disposition though, it had to be easy I wanted a trickle charger that would condition the battery and could remain connected without any possibility of damaging the battery or associated electronics in the car. I chose a CTEK trickle charger following advice and a fair bit of research (I HATE to spend money and not get the best value). CTEK's web site Further, I wasn't keen on lifting the boot floor and messing with crocodile clips so I went for their panel socket which is a small panel fitted in the boot lining. It has a three colour flashing LED system to indicate battery condition. I've found this to be somewhat pessimistic but, rather that than the other way round. Here is a Link showing what I did with my setup. I have the luck to be able to use this in a nice warm dry garage but I know of several who just plug the output lead of the CTEK in and close the boot lid outside their house and there seems to be no problem with water getting in to the boot. No. I don't work for CTEK I'm sure there are some equally good trickle chargers made by other manufacturers but this works for me.
    4 points
  16. Hi all, Wanted to introuduce myself as a first time Jaguar owner. Mostly BMWs but this time round a Jaguar XF seemed the obvious choice. I've attached a picture. Very happy so far (25t r sport with a few extras) but do have a slight niggle I hope others on this forum can help me with. This is my post: Thanks and I look forward to my time on this forum
    4 points
  17. Happy New Year to all and lets hope 2024 is a good one 🙂
    4 points
  18. Happy New and Peaceful New Year to Everyone. Best Wishes and Regards, John
    4 points
  19. The XF is going and for my Birthday and start of retirement I had decided to go for something less flamboyant and lower performance as a nice little runaround.... NOT 😉 And here she is:- Deposit paid and due for arrival mid December. She has just about every bell and whistle on board as well 😉 For those who have less than perfect sight, the red text to the left of the "R" badge on the boot lid is:- 5...7...5 🙂
    4 points
  20. I know that many things here won't apply in SoCal...but the smell of Jaguar is always sweet, even in the midst of troubles. It's not a matter of if you love it. It is a matter of what would you do without it! For me a 1999 XJR about 10 years ago and a one owner 2003 XJR (X308) now. So as owner number two I have to try harder. I have seen the assistance here and hope perhaps I may one day have something to offer also.
    4 points
  21. Several members of this forum are aware of my present situation and have been asked to keep it to themselves, however, I feel that I should perhaps update anybody who is concerned. We are currently having to deal with the very real possibility that my Wife's breast cancer has returned. In addition, I have just been allowed home following somewhat major surgery. Apologies if these things got in the way of the standard of service some VERY new members appear to expect from me. OTH kindly took the trouble to hint that sometimes people are not available, thanks BTW Frank, but clearly that cut no ice with certain new members whose enthusiasm for the forum as a whole, is clearly evidenced by your singular lack of any input other than to harrangue me. As far as PMs go, one unanswered should have been sufficient. I did not need the follow up. Those who use this forum on a regular basis will be aware that I tend to try assisting where possible as fully as possible and as fast as possible, even as far as hosting people and their cars at my house free of charge and usually with lunch thrown in. I will, of course, endeavour to continue to do so as time and circumstance permit. As to the answer to certain questions of a technical nature? Well, I am still perfectly willing to assist those I can but for some reason I appear to become flustered when pressured / harangued,becoming unable to recall the required detail, unfortunately. However, I am by no means the only forum member with experience of the electronic functions of the S-Type and I fel sure they will be able to assist, approached in a reasonable manner. Please be aware that, although I am, for the moment at least, a moderator on this forum, my comments above are my own personal views and do not reflect the views of the forum admin. Therefore those who might feel offended by my candour should, if required, raise it with the admin. Finally, to all of those who have wished us well and offered support I would like to thank you sincerely on behalf of us both 🙂 Nil carborundum illigitimum.
    4 points
  22. If I was a religious individual I'd be on my knees saying thank you. We've now had confirmation that Marion's breast cancer has not in fact returned. We both send thanks to those who wished us well recently 🙂
    4 points
  23. Hi All Added some indicator bulb DRL/indicator LED bulbs today to my S-type R, For under £20 theres no ready to go kits for the PY21W bulbs our cars have, so i made a set. And i must admit they look great got the bulbs off ebay for under a £10 from Hong Kong, Came in under a week, they were so cheap i bought a extra couple of sets as spares I had to alter them completely, the led bulbs were a rubber grommet push in type, which i thought were poor. So what i did is mount the led bulbs in two spare indicator bulb holders, rubbers removed from new led's, lampholders drilled out, new led's glued into jaguar holder with PU adhesive, so they push in proper, and i used a old bulb base so it plugged straight into the old bulb holder, I don't like cutting and chopping the original wiring, this is fully reverseable and the old style bulbs can be plugged straight back in, No jaguar wiring or harnesses were damaged or injured in the process of this conversion, lol. One thing to remember on these, the lamp holders are wired different, the case of the bulb is positive and the centre is negative switched I tapped all the wiring in manufacturer style black cloth tape, for the OE look I also had to add a relay because jaguar use a permanent feed to the bulb and they switch the negative/earth to operate the bulb, so the relay converts the negative switch to positive switch The set came with resistors, but they are not needed as there controlled by a ecu and the resistance of the relay is enough for the ecu to recognise the bulb is healthy I got the jaguar indicator bulb holders and relays, there was only one s-type so 2x lamp holders and i got over a dozen relays, same as the smaller ones in the fuse box, for a Fiver, at my local scrappy, Mc Guinesses. I fed the DRL out of the fuse box in the engine bay, I can also turn them off there if i don't want them on all the time, mine come straight on as soon as the engine starts here are some pics KITS I BOUGHT LEDS IN MODIFIED JAGUAR BULB HOLDERS COMPLETED WIRING AND BULB HOLDERS HOW THERE WIRED AND LAST A QUICK VIDEO OF THEM WORKING https://youtu.be/FEqx87slBl8 INSTRUCTIONS HERE AS WELL Instructions doc.
    4 points
  24. Hi Mark, Thank you. Since posting I recently had one of my cars paint and interior detailed, wheels refurbed and coating added. It looks great. I do try my self to keep them looking presentable but the XJ I only bought last year really need a lot of time spent on it, which I have not had. I am really pleased with the results. Best Regards, Julie.
    4 points
  25. A Very HAPPY CHRISTMAS to EACH and EVRERYONE I wish you everything that you would wish for yourselves. John
    4 points
  26. Here's my opinion on the issue! (sorry if I come across as bumptious but I have very strong feelings about this subject). First and foremost, the people, bodies, associations, etc that are debating the move to electric and demonising diesel engines are not automotive experts and very rarely are the motoring societies truly represented in meetings to discuss the future of motoring. Secondly, automotive technology is probably at the peak of innovation and cannot go much further with technological advances in the internal combustion engine....this also applies to trucks, diggers, ferries, generators...in fact anything with an ICE. The way forward is not via the electric route, albeit the Hybrid combination is by far the best option. Full plug-in electric cars will not save the planet and in fact, will have a huge impact on the planet and our daily lives (see recent press articles about EVs having to produce noise to avoid running over pedestrians that may step out unknowingly). Looking back in motoring history, steam cars and electric cars were used back in the 1910's in France (examples are in the Le Mans museum) and also 'Wet Scrubbers' were used on diesel engines which totally captured all particulates.....why have we gone to huge extremes to reinvent the wheel? Glad thats off my chest now but unless we have the infrastructure in place to successfully provide the power to run electric cars at no cost to the environment then it is not a viable way forward. Don't even get me started on autonomous cars 😞
    4 points
  27. Denis (the jag den) has been providing parts for Jaguars for some years now and those parts are always below the prices you find on fleabay etc. He has assisted several members on this forum and has been a great source of parts for me as well. We have decided to throw in our lot together as this has been successful in the past. That is to say, Denis can provide parts and if you would like them fitted we can do so at no extra charge if you visit us at Penkridge (Staffordshire). Denis is the mechanical side and I tend to do the electronics. We have access to the Jaguar diagnostics software so can offer retrofits on X-types, S-Types and XJs but if you're just after parts we are happy to do that as well. If we have a specific car in for breaking we will put details in this thread. The free fitting only applies to club members and is a way of saying thanks for the help we've received from the club in the past.# If you are in need of a part, PM me or Denis and see what we can do for you :) This is not a commercial operation as we both have full time jobs.
    4 points
  28. An XK120, with one owner from new, and costing £180 to buy, has seen sold at auction for £77,000. The owner, a mechanic, has covered over 300,000 miles in the car. The XK120 was the first car that Malcolm Sayer worked on when he joined Jaguar. The 120 was the speed of the car - over 120 mph. He was asked to get the speed up so the car could be used in competitions. He did this by the use of aerodynamics and the car was know known as the C type. - the competition car. He increased the speed that there was never an XK130. It was the motoring press who stared to call it the C type, and it was followed by the D Type, the XK140, and the XK150, known as the E type. The D type won 3 Le Mans 24 hour endurance races , and reached 196 miles per hour on the Mulsanne Strait at Le Mans. The style of following Jaguars sports cars -- look at the radiator grill on the d type - has been repeated in following XK models. Regards, Peter. A 1951 XK120 below.
    4 points
  29. ........... my sleeping beauty has awoken and is now back on the road - am I pleased ??? - you can bet your sweet bippy I am
    4 points
  30. Hi Guys The mystery of the thick black smoke from my 2.7 S type turned out to be nothing more than a burst inter-cooler pipe feeding one of the turbo's. My thanks to everyone who contributed help and advice. Martyn
    4 points
  31. I've uploaded a copy of the X Type Owners Handbook which should be available for any Jaguar Owners Club members by clicking on the link. Its Publication Part No. JJM 10 02 20 901
    4 points
  32. Hi All Took some photos today at the NEC Classic car show, some are not the best, as taken with my phone made a slideshow with them here's the link NEC CLASSIC CAR SHOW select HD for best quality cheers Joe
    4 points
  33. Mine has a separate voice module Graham It sits in the passenger seat No buttons fitted as standard but it can be disabled using gaffa tape
    4 points
  34. My Wife and I went shopping the other day in my S Type parked up in the car park and away went Well on our return from the shops there was a Rover 75 almost the same colour parked next to mine and my Wife had the cheek to say mind you dont get in the wrong car love ha Well she very nearly walked home lol
    4 points
  35. It's about time the boy racers and other sundry clowns on the road took account of technology. Dash cams are really rather helpful. I was to chair a trial today of a 22 year old accused of driving whilst disqualified, dangerous driving and sundry other motoring offences. At the start of the trial, his advocate stood up and asked for the offences to be put to the defendant again, at which point he pleaded guilty. We then became a sentencing Court and at that point found we were also sentencing the defendant for identical offences on a previous occasion for which he had stood trial and been found guilty. In fact, the offences we were originally to have dealt with were committed whilst the defendant was on bail for the first set of offences. Are you getting the picture? The prosecutor stood up and asked if the witnesses could be released and we invited them in to the Court so we could thank them personally. One witness, a man of middle age, was having none of it though and asked if he could stay to observe the sentencing which, of course he was perfectly at liberty to do. His was to have been the CPS evidence in the case were were supposed to have dealt with at trial. The prosecutor explained that the witness's car had been equipped with front and rear mounted cameras and we agreed to view the video to guide us toward a suitable sentence. No point in going through the videos at length except to say that, after one particularly dangerous manoeuvre, the defendant felt it necessary to put his right hand out of the window with his middle finger extended in the time honoured "one finger salute". This fact will be significant later in my tale. Normally, a Bench would not sentence to immediate custody without the benefit of a pre-sentence report but in this case, the defendant already had two previous convictions for drive whilst disqualified and dangerous driving and had served a short prison term on the last occasion. We were satisfied that justice would be served by an immediate prison sentence and we sent him away for 12 months in total, along with a ten year disqualification pending passing an extended driving test. We further issued a forfeiture and destruction order for the car, a rather tidy Audi A4 worth in the region of £5K to £6K. In pronouncing sentence, the Bench Chairman indicates to the dock officers that sentencing is complete by saying "Take him down" and, as I said these words I couldn't help but notice the previously mentioned witness, stony faced, arms crossed and staring fixedly at the defendant and, if I didn't know better, I'd have sworn that the middle finger of his right hand was extended, albeit briefly, towards the defendant.
    4 points
  36. A warning to be careful about drink driving as we are getting close to Christmas and Plod are out there checking on people. Last night I was out for a few drinks. One thing led to another and I had a few too many pints and then went onto the whisky. Not a good idea Knowing I was over the limit, I decided to leave my car at the pub and took a taxi home. Sure enough, I passed a police checkpoint at the top of the road where they were pulling over cars and performing breathalyser tests. Because I was in a taxi they just waved it past. I arrived home safely and without incident, which was a real surprise as I've never driven a taxi before and I am not even sure where I got it from...
    4 points
  37. I have had the same, Paul. This time it was a man who saw a Jaguar parked in Blue Badge badge bay and while I was queueing at the ATM observed that people who have Blue Badges should not have a car like that. Keeping my face straight, I observed that he or she was probably a pensioners too, and they should not be allowed to drive cars like that. We had a jolly little conversation and I was egging him on a bit, as he made a few suggestions as to what the Government should do about it. He was rather surprised when I waved to him as I passed him while driving out of the car park!
    4 points
  38. people are so quick to put up a problem with there car? but what annoys me is when i go back to re read if the problem has been sorted? NOTHING and with all the help of people replying back to help them with there issues. you would think that they would at least give us some thanks or no has`nt worked. but no the post just ends... some poeple........
    4 points
  39. Hi chaps, I have just bought my 2006 S-Type R and I must say that she is everything that I expected so this being my second post on the forum I thought that I would show her off a little. Thanks Escortmad for starting this thread. So here is my pride and joy.
    4 points
  40. Like the topic and particularly interested as I've only had my gorgeous cat since Feb. I live between Bath and Bristol so any recommendations for this area would be welcome! Still smiling like a lunatic every time I drive it...... :P :P
    4 points
  41. In 1946 when the Second World War had just ended, I was 10 years old and, having seen an SS Jaguar for the first time, I announced that "I would have a Jag when I was old enough to drive"! It took longer than intended but I eventually achieved my ambition in 2002 when I was 65 when I bought an ex-demo 3.0 Litre S Type with 4000 miles on the clock.From the outset this has been a "head turning" car maybe because of its unusual colour (Roman Bronze) and partly because of its 18 inch wheels. Whatever the reason, I have had, and still get, regular compliments from complete strangers. The car has no less than 61,000 miles on the clock as it enters its 12th year in my ownership and I have to say "It was worth the wait"
    4 points
  42. Hi Steve, Bell Lane Garage (Jaguar Independent), Langthwaite Business Park, South Kirby. Between doncaster & Barnsley. Great bloke with good service and prices, also gives you a courtesy car if booked in for work, not rotherham / sheffield but not much further. Give Richard a ring you might be surprised - 01977 651100, Gary
    4 points
  43. Welcome Tommy, I’ve had my first Jaguar nearly 2 months and love it. Everyone in the JOC have been very helpful. Enjoy you car, all the best Ian
    3 points
  44. Hello from North Somerset. I have just bought (and fell in love with) a 2009 2.2 X Type. I’m looking forward to browsing the forums and hopefully being able to sort out the few very minor niggles with what I’m sure is going to be a great car. I would also be very interested in any meets that may be in my area.
    3 points
  45. Here I press out the hub and ball-joint from my spare o/s front suspension upright ready to fit new parts. It's not a complicated job as such but you do need the right kit and the ability to hit things really hard without breaking them. This is a basic diagram of the front suspension : The home made press frame which utilises a porta power hydraulic chassis repair ram. Here's the upright in the press. I loosened the four bolts but left them in an equal amount so I could push on them all at once to start with rather than the centre of the hub. This lessens the chance of the hub going out of alignment and damaging the upright: A clearer view of the back of the hub: This hub came out with barely any pressure, unlike the ball-joint which was stuck so very tight: Setting fire to it didn't help.. I cut the pin off as it makes it easier to push, hammer and generally abuse the joint. Eventually the ball-joint let go. It took two of us, a lot of heat in the upright and lots of hammering to get it to move. Once it moved a little getting it out the rest of the way was easy. I did the other side last year and in contrast the ball-joint was dead easy whilst the hub put up a real fight and took over 12 tons to push out. I actually prefer that it that way around because getting the upright correctly set up in a press for the ball-joint is very tricky. The upper end of the upright is right in the way and as you can see there's very little meat on the upright around the ball-joint to get a purchase on. Having anything even a little of centre is not an option, you have to be spot on with these sorts of forces involved and the consequences of distorting the alloy parts are pretty big, especially if it's your cars original one. All in I would say that this is a doable but awkward job with many variables relating to the corrosion holding onto the hub and ball-joint. It could be easy, it could take you all afternoon. Personally I wouldn't tackle it with the original upright from my car, only with a spare one as I did here because if it goes wrong then you aren't stranded with no car and no spare upright. I have heard of them being scrap because the hub is stuck so tight.. Fitting the new hub is easy as it's not a true interference fit, just snug. The ball-joint is different. It's purely interference and the same things that make it awkward to remove in a press make it a pain to fit. I will be exploring different options and will update as and when I do it.
    3 points
  46. Personally I wouldn't touch Adrian Flux with someone else's bargepole. A good couple of years ago I called them and after disclosing my best quote so far was offered a policy at a slightly lower price. I asked for a reference number but was told that this special price was only available whilst I was on the phone. I calmly asked for the girls name and said that I wanted to speak to her manager. When she asked me why I told her that she had broken the law and I wanted to know why her manager taught/encouraged such behaviour, she hung up on me. When I phoned back every operator told me their was no record that I had even had a quote. No wonder I record all business phone calls now.. October 2015; I got a quote on Google Compare with Adrian Flux as the provider. It was a good quote and so I accepted it. I then got a phone call the day before the cover was due to start to tell me that the policy had been cancelled as I had not disclosed a County Court Judgement against me. I did not know I had ever had one and there is no evidence that I do (another story). I had paid for the policy outright which had nearly emptied my bank account so I couldn't afford another policy with someone else. It took Adrian Flux over four days to return my money during which time I was uninsured and so couldn't get to work 20 miles away. This cost me approximately £350. I went back through the "Google Compare" system and at no point was I asked if I had a CCJ. So even if I had known that I (allegedly) had one I wasn't asked about it so Adrian Flux assumed that I didn't and therefore based my quote on false information. I tried to get compensation for my loss of earnings but was given such a load of contradictory BS by the legal department that I would have needed a law degree to decipher it, shamefully I gave up and moved on like a good prole should. The company and their practice ethos is absolutely disgusting. I doubt they are significantly worse than any other but I've been burned twice by a company that drapes semi-naked slags across cars to sell their services, that's enough for me to take time out to bad-mouth them. They have a website which to be fair is not as cheap looking as the Max Power type ads from before but still has nothing to do with something as boring and bureaucratic as insuring your car; http://www.fluxbabes.co.uk/ That just screams professionalism doesn't it? I'll be sure to choose my next phone and broadband supplier by how much skin they show dancing on a telegraph pole..
    3 points
  47. Hi Paul I have fitted a few in car pc's for audio and navigation, but nowadays your mobile phone is way faster than most tablets or pc's I use my android phone which is extremely fast and i can do it all by voice command and theres a huge selection of apps out there I fitted a Rii geartist GB01, which is a bluetooth fm transmitter, but is extremely clear and sound quality is superb, no noise or hissing basically when im in the car, my phone pairs to the car for hands free but any media sound is transfered to the paired gb01 to a fm stereo channel so i can play all my music and i use google maps or co-pilot for sat nav, with google maps you get steet view, which is great and you can use nav apps like co pilot which is great and tomtom all have live traffic and cameras my phone sits high on the dash on a custom bracket, sits just above touch screen which looks greats, sound comes out of car speakers and is all voice controlled I can even position my phone a bit higher and use apps like dash buddy which will video windscreen view as i see it just in case there a accident in front you have much more access to apps and internet with your phone I have a sony xperia z3+ and its brilliant in car, my xperia is 8x1500mhz cores, over 20 mega pixel camera, 4g, records 4k and plays 4k, has a 128gb micro sd in it, much better than most tablets and pc's eventually i will buy a navtool which i will be able to send the phone screen, through hdmi to the jaguar touch screen, was going to buy a ACM, but since using my phone with the car, its much better cheers Joe
    3 points
  48. Not a Jaguar Specialist but very trustworthy garage is Regal Motors, Bournemouth Road , Poole, Dorset
    3 points
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