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Steve last won the day on March 19 2024

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About Steve

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    Classic Cars
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  1. must admit that big G is not doing it for me
  2. @JamesTD What was the end result of this? Did you manage to resolve?
  3. ahh i see. If you need help then send me a message
  4. Hi Mike We do this in house. are you looking to run a Jag club in spain? or something else?
  5. I have not heard of any needing replacement unless blocked or for some other reason. Trev here may have more of an answer, hopefully here will comment here shortly Weekly italian tune ups in 3rd gear up the dual carriageway will keep that maintained well. Millers works to keep the light off but it really needs those revs up, and don't be frightened to get those revs right up.
  6. Welcome to the club Richard Hoe you are enjoying your new XF Try looking on Youtube for videos on the infotainment, You'll be suprised whats available
  7. Welcome to the club Steve She looks a beauty. Good job on changing the tyres. A lot of people don't realise the age of the tyre and driving around with 13 year old tyres on a performance car. Let us know how you get on over the next few weeks
  8. Steve

    New member.

    Hi Trevor Welcome to the Jaguar Owners Club. Hope you are enjoying the XF.. great machine
  9. Hi Paul May be worth giving your dealer a call to confirm as this is something you would need solid confirmation on, would not want to get it wrong. If it is please let us know.
  10. Hi Ant I think thats how it comes, It's the same on mine
  11. Hi Paul Give SNG Barratt a call : https://www.sngbarratt.com/English/#/uk/home Also if you can get hold of the part numbers you can search by part number which will bring up the parts available online.
  12. Hi Darren have your tried https://www.sngbarratt.com/ You may need to get the part number which will help as you could then search ebay with that part number
  13. Hey folks, We are doing a small poll to find out what fuel types are our Jag owners using at the moment. Help us with our small poll. You will need to be signed in to vote. thanks
  14. They have been hitting a lot of clubs this weekend. we have closed off the messaging system for members group for the moment until we can screw things right down.
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