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Everything posted by Jonb6389

  1. Hi guys, Was just wondering if any of you have had issues with car alarms going off at random intervals? Had my xf about a year and love it to bits but the alarm is driving me nuts. Sometimes it won't go off for a week but then it will go mental and go off several times a day. Checked the on board computer and says no alarm has been triggered. This happens on single and double lock so I can't see it being volumetric sensor. Had no warnings about bonnet open either. Any input from you guys would be appreciated!
  2. Hi guys, Recently purchased the latest sat nav dvd update for my xf after realising it hadn't been updated since 2009. Disk arrived promptly so I removed the old disk and put the new one in. It prompted me that the system needed a update and may take 15 minutes. I proceeded and after the update the unit refreshed. Now when I click navigation it goes blank and says "dvd check in process". Was just wondering if anyone has had any issues with this before?
  3. Hi guys, So I recently bought a sat nav update disc from the site someone recommended on here. Disc was 29.99 and came within 2 days. I've inserted the dvd and all that's coming up is dvd check in progress. Anybody else had any issues with this?
  4. Hi guys, Just an update. As I set out for my journey this morning a warning message came up saying bonnet was open. I haven't had this message before so I am guessing this was making the alarm sound but time will tell I guess. I have just double locked the car and no alarm. I am hoping this is now fixed. Will keep you updated. Thanks again guys. Jon
  5. Hi Joe, Thanks for all the help. Much appreciated. Jon
  6. Hi Joe, Thanks for replying. Is there anyway of clearing the message from the screen or will it fix itself after the problem has been sorted? Thanks Jon
  7. Hi Joe Just checked the car now and went through settings as instructed like you said. Came up with "alarm triggered by volumetric sensor" Thanks Jon
  8. Hi Joe, Just seen the reply. Will take a look now. Thanks very much! Jon
  9. Hi Joe, Thanks for the reply. Some light reading for me this evening then. Appreciate the help. Jon
  10. Hi Dan, Appreciate the reply. I did go round and check all the doors and boot first time it happened as I'm a bit OCD like that :). Could it possibly be the key fob battery needs changing? Thanks Jon
  11. Hi guys, I am new to this forum so please forgive me if this is in the wrong place or has been a topic before. My car alarm sounds shortly after I lock the vehicle. I was wondering if anybody else has had this issue in the past? If so was it an easy fix? Any replies would be helpful.
  12. Hi Grattik, I think tints on the back window would set it off very well. I have recently purchased a jag xf and had my back windows done. It makes the car stand out more.
  13. Hi there, Just recently purchased my first jag and I love it. Jaguar xf premium luxury edition. I'm glad I chose it now. As I am new to the jaguar scene any input or tips would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks
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