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  1. Hi and a very happy new year to you all. Any assistance here greatly appreciated, dreaded battery in rear gone flat over xmas, cant open boot, so I have hooked up the charger to the positive feed in the fuse box, seems when attempting to charge the small alarm bleeper goes off, is there any way to inhibit this, (also as I assume current is being drawn, the fog lights flash) ?? No key access to the boot on my S-Type model, so basically just need to get enough power to the battery or solenoid to enable boot to be opened then connect the charger in the correct fashion. Any ideas or thoughts most welcomed - Thank you
  2. Many thanks to you all for you excellent input, most greatly appreciated. I have tried a fault code reader on the OBD but this showed no faults /, I was later to discover that the readers only look at the ECU, and will not read any of the ABS / Gearbox issues, (and the jaguar protocol is reputedly a bit odd to read), however, I have no codes to report. I do see reason that the ABS may have a failed sensor tho, and this in turn MAY have instigated the gearbox to go into limp mode, but indicating a failed gearbox, so............ any ideas as to where go next or maybe a steer on what to look for ? Again, any thoughts and input most welcomed, thank you all for your help so far its been truly amazing Paul G. ============
  3. Thank you all greatly for your assistance and ideas, I have arranged for the OBD codes to be viewed hopefully tomorrow and advise further as I'm sure one ce I have received the details they will mean nothing to me. Many thanks for your input, you all may have just saved the day and some very serious expenses !!
  4. Many thanks, for your reply, gearbox had been smooth with no issues, however, with the pre ABS failure, I forgot to mention that car had been parked out in the most horrendous storm ever, just struck me that two main and very expensive items have failed within 5 mins of each other, I have no way of finding if the two faults are linked in some with with something common, possibly pressure related ?. I can assume not electrical as the "clunk" when selecting gear is a true mechanical sound ? Now wondering if its really worth further investegation at cost as I'm sure ABS / gearbox may be somewhat costly in relation to age / mileage of the vehicle. Thank you
  5. Hi all OK, any ideas on this most welcomed, I start that car that has been running great, within some 5 mins warning on dashboard "ABS Failed", brakes all ok, so drive to garage and top upi with diesel, few mins later warning on dashboard "Gearbox Failure", manage to limp car home and leave to cool. Gearbox seemed to be stick in second gear, no other gears or auto change, left car to cool down, (not running hot), started again, same conditions with dashboard and now massive "clunk" when selecting drive / reverse. Any input or thoughts most greatly appreciated, (car 07 2.7d model with 90K on clock) Thank you
  6. Many thanks to you guys that helped with my radio problem, sorted & resolved - Thank you. This may sound very stupid, I take my foot off the accelerator and the car stops very quickly !!, the brake peddle seems very sensitive to braking, feels as tho the box has massive engine braking and goes into the lowest gear. now, also when this happens the car does not seem to "creep" when in gear, seems very slugged like its holding back......, this so difficult to describe the symptoms Could this be related to the S-Type sticking electronic handbrake that I have read ? if so, how could I check or look to resolve - (the car has been into the garage and they could find no fault condition while testing, I had requested that they test drive to check for errors and bill me accordingly, the drive and inspection was not too costly. I rolled the car down a quite slight incline to prove the handbrake, the park light came up fine and the car did lock and hold as one would have expected, took the park brake off and all seemed fine - any input or ideas would be most greatly appreciated. Thanks to you all, have a super day, and enjoy the sun while it lasts !!
  7. Many thanks Guys, Followed the battery reset and the PDF detail, it worked a treat and now fully sorted. Thanks to you all for your assistance - greatly appreciated
  8. Hi Chaps, look forward to being an active member as newbie and proud owner of an 05 S-Type. Now, its just been in for some work and the mechanical guys had to disconnect the battery, I have gone to start the car and radio displays code required, I thought I had entered the right code, but I didnt !!. Left the car for some 3-4 hours, returned with the correct card code but when trying to enter the system is just hanging and now says please wait and the code does not seem to want to be entered ??? Any ideas, all was working fine with no probs prior to the fix being carried out, (which had nothing to do with the radio, it was a water leak in the engine bay). your assistance greatly appreciated - have a great day to you all
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