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  1. Broken! (Left hand side). Does anyone have any suggestions how to release the catch for access to repair it?
  2. I've done three in the past year without recourse to taking the cover off. All were manual and all sorted by adjusting the mirror till you can see right inside, then giving the bolt a good lathering with WD40 using the straw nozzle. Also spray plenty where the pivoting part of the plastic meets the static part. My son keeps a BMW320 in Mallorca, which thrives on neglect. Gave it a good spraying last month, planning to leave it for a few hours to soak in, but couldn't resist giving it a quick shove to see what happened. It freed up. The only problem is that the door mirror spider, the hardest creature on earth, won't be too happy!
  3. I've always been a bit sceptical regarding the claims made for fuel and oil additives, but put a bottle into a tank less than quarter full and gave the old girl a blast at high revs in third up and down a local dual carriageway. Seems to have done the trick! Seems to run smoother and pick up a bit better as well. I'll recommend he puts a bottle into a full tank every six months or so to keep things hunky dory. Thanks for the help!
  4. Well, at £6.49, diesel magic has to be worth a punt. I'll let you know how it goes!
  5. Hello, everyone. First post. While my son spends a year abroad, I have become the custodian of his 2007 2.0 diesel, which I find an absolute pleasure to drive. Recently, however, it has started running a bit roughly when accelerating from low revs in a high gear, and there is noticeable smoke when accelerating away after idling at traffic lights. Does anybody have any idea whether this is a simple fix? He is returning quite soon. Do I bite the bullet and book it in, or simply say to the lad "It was ok when I used it last"!!! Performance is still fine, and the car still returns well over 45mpg and occasionally over 50 when I drive like an elderly spinster. Many thanks in advance. Iain
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