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Everything posted by S DRIVER

  1. I am at the moment trying to solve a problem with my right hand side rear door not opening either from inside or outside or the fob,I had problems with this door in the past but then it was not opening on the fob or from the outside handle but it did open from the inside handle and I was able to remove the various assemblies and found that the cause was where a flat bracket and a flat metal lever that attached to it by a spindle had because of their close proximetary {bad design} actually touching had managed to rust solid together I managed to separate and free the two and oiled liberally and every thing worked fine and now I am thinking that it has happened again but now I am struggling to get the door open even after removing the door card and the outside handle nothing seems to want to release the latch despite my liberal oiling in the past Anybody know an easy way to flick the lock open from the inside
  2. there are three parts to the throttle linkage and all are basically potentiometers first is the throttle pedal which sends the signal to the throttle body which has another potentiometer to read the signal sent by the throttle pedal and moves accordingly all the TPS does is check that the two signals are the same so if you have changed the TPS the fault must be in the pedal or the throttle body replacing the pedal can be done quite cheaply as they are readily available on line if changing this does not fix the problem then it's going to be the throttle body but before doing any of this remove the air intake pipe where it goes into the throttle and spray carb cleaner into the body and clean it as best you can sometimes a build up of gunge can stop the butterfly opening correctly and so the TPS reds that the butterfly isn't moving correctly and puts up the warning Hope this helps
  3. I would imagine the downsides must be fuel cost and insurance, an X boss of mine offered me his 5.0 litre XF 12 months old practically unused for £30,000 unfortunately didn't have the cash and was very worried about the fuel costs, my 4.0 L S TYPE knows how to drink so i didn't think that would be any better.he traded it in for the XJ but kept pranging it apparently he couldn't get used to it's length, I always think the premium sound system in mine is pretty good don't know how it compares to the Bowers and Wilkins that must be something else....john
  4. wow !!!! thats pretty impressive must be a fabulous car i watched a video of one going round the nurbugh ring AMAZING...john
  5. Unfortunately the one I bought doesn't seem to work too well, when I go to read fault codes something flashes up for a split second and then it goes back to the choose the vehicle page, although it did once put up about three codes which I should of written down but didn't and now it's not doing anything, but for what I paid I shan't be losing any sleep over it, I keep thinking of phoning the seller to see if he has any advise ....John Ps this is a different reader to the one you have
  6. Can anyone tell me how to release the belt tensioner on a 4.0L V8 2001 S Type,there seems to be a central bolt on the mechanism and there maybe another smaller bolt situated on the bottom of the unit,can anyone tell me the correct procedure to release the tensioner....Thanks....john
  7. I appreciate what your saying but I feel it would have been difficult to prove as I didn't notice it at the time the wiper blade was fitted and only noticed it when I got round to washing the car a couple of weeks later due to the usual bad weather, I don't even have the bill for it, the car is 12 yrs old and has got the usual small knocks and scuffs that tend to accumulate over time,but it doesn't make it any less annoying when someone that is supposed to know what they are about does it and gets paid for it .....such is life....John
  8. Yep you have those moments when you know in your heart your making a big mistake,when the man said we can fit it for you for £2.00 and I said ok it was one of those moments I cant imagine what possessed me to ignore the alarm bells ringing in my head. One good thing about Halfords is they do a remarkably cheap line in Turtle Zip Wax car shampoo I bought a good few bottles at 99p each and it will only probably cost me about £500 to get the bonnet resprayed....john
  9. A bit late and a bit of sarc if you are rally foolish you can take it to your local Halfords and let their trained staff fit it for you who will put two great scratches in your bonnet and twist the wiper arm so that it hits the back of your bonnet on every pass BEWARE....John
  10. And if you go to a main dealer you will see they are giving you the back end for nothing .....John
  11. I have traveled in France many times in the last 12yrs in my 4 litre S Type,I bought a pair of official Jag part beam deflectors,cant remember how much they were now,probably not cheap,they comprised two full lense plastic covers that clipped over the dipped beams each had a very small black oblong printed on them to supposedly correct the beam, I have never really believed that they can possibly work and I do get a lot of flashing at me when travelling at night so I think they probably don't work very well, I try to keep my night driving to a minimum, I have considered buying a pair of eu spec main beams and installing them for my trips abroad but have never looked in to the cost ,probably considerable I would think, and have also wondered myself if there was adjustment to do this as after all it is a single headlight dipped beam that you would think was merely tilted in the right direction get the right effect .....good luck ....John
  12. Has anyone tried the code readers that are available to buy in various forms from very cheap to very expensive, I was surprised to find you can buy one from about ten pounds, some thirty five and some seventy ish, has any one used them anmd got any advice on them....thanks ...john
  13. Thanks for that LBC I use ebay all the time for all sorts of things and never even considered it for car parts "silly me" looks like some good offers there and even one for a 4L v8 great stuff...john
  14. Likewise every time I get in it even after 10 yrs....john
  15. Hi everbody This is probably for the more technically minded amongst our members,I own a 51 plate 4L V8 S TYPE which has developed a fluid leak from the power steering rack the leak is coming from the the drivers side end of the pipe that runs along the rack from one side to the other and is part of the actual rack and not the supply or return pipe from the pump I suspect a blown O ring,but unfortunately this is apparently not available as a spare part,has anyone had a similar problem or know of anyone that can supply these type of parts or supply reconn steering racks at a competative price....john
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