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  1. I need to change lumps. I can get an engine & box for decent money but need someone to do it. I am willing to assist and am pretty competent just nowhere to do it. Cheers (with fingers and toes crossed) Dave PS I'm using my old Rover so in no rush
  2. Many thanks again David. I'm going to have a look at the vacuum pipe and where it's supposed to go as the sun is now shining. The aircon unit looks a bit of a problem for removal. Did you do yours yourself? Is this a possible diy job or not? Cheers Dave
  3. Cheers David Maybe you've seen my car as I picked it up from Leicester lol. Well I found where it should go, I think. There's a 3 way valve type thingy which can be found once the battery tray has been removed. It was really strange as it looked like 2 vacuum hoses had been trapped behind (is it the starter motor there?) I trimmed the tubes and put onto the 3 junctions but smoke came up from around egr area and was rough/cut out/no throttle. I have left it off of the egr end now and it runs ok (ish) but obviously not connected so not right. Also since cleaning the egr I have a noise like a slipping fan belt coming on now and again. HELP lol 20160910_063927_221815043176878.mp4
  4. It appears the other end is not connected to anything. I can blow through it but cannot find the end. What does it connect to and where please? Cheers Dave
  5. Hi, I've asked on X type forum and hoping for Mat to get back to me. I need my 2.0l diesel injectors coding. 2006 sport. I've just purchased the car with this problem. The PO has had injector/s changed and one in particular is playing up. Is there anyone local to Southampton with the equipment to do this please? Thanks in anticipation Dave
  6. Thanks Paul My old x type has the 16's so now I'll run the 18's for a while and see. I'm sure I can find some space in one of my tips, I mean garages to store the 16's. Dave
  7. Ha ha that's a good point, cheers Peter. I think the present 18" wheels look slightly better but still undecided. Dave
  8. Hi, just trying to decide whether to keep existing 18" wheels or swap them for the 16" on my old x-type. New(est) car is black 2.0l sports 2006 Opinions please :-)
  9. 'Ard they are! I used to chauffeur a Rolls from London to Auchenblae and the "boss" used to scrape 'em off the beautiful chrome grill with a pen knife into a matchbox then bury them!!!
  10. Hi again Jim As Claws says a new one from ebay will still need programming. Another thing is to go to a locksmith and ask him to change the battery, yeah probably £6 but he will check that it has an output. Then you will know if the circuit board is working. Some real enthusiasts have testers for all of this stuff. I may now be getting confused with my old rover but a new fob from ebay or wherever if it has a separate transponder that will need programming too. Dave
  11. Hi Jim It's possible the programming needs to be re-set. I found this online so take no credit for it. For X-Type 1. Insert key in ingnition 2. Turn key to ''I'' 3. Turn key to ''II'' and back to ''I'' quickly 4 times 4. Alarm system should chime once when key is back to ''I'' for 4th time. 5. Remove key 6. Press any button on key fob and alarm will chime if it has been programmed correctly (Some models require all buttons pressed simultaneously.) Worth a try! Good luck Dave
  12. Ha ha ha, hi David, I just had to giggle. 1. My names David 2. I just did an 11 hour round trip to pick up my Jag (Southampton to Leicester on coach then drove back) 3. I bought a 2.0l diesel Jag 4. This was to replace my Rover 75 5. (just to make up numbers) mine doesn't have sat nav so I used my Samsung phone Dave
  13. Maybe a crushed vacuum pipe?
  14. Hi Hedgy They look good NOW. Sadly though using t-cut will scratch the lens' and they won't stay clear for very long. Ideal for selling cars but not for keepers. Hope I haven't put the dampners on a job well done lol Dave
  15. Hi John, I only joined yesterday and have only just read this post. Why did everyone assume master cylinder? The only way it could be would be if it was actually seized. Surely releasing one bleed nipple and if the pedal goes down then it's not seized. Personally the first thing I would do would be to remove master cyl cap and in turn remove/loosen callipers to check the pistons do retract. If the car has been laid up for some time they can seize, even slightly. With all the computerised stuff on cars these days I'm totally lost but there hasn't been much change in the actual braking system basics. Well that's my 5 'penneth Good luck Dave
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