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Ryan p

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  1. Yeh it was my fault it got posted in two sections
  2. I know some one that can do x type keys cut and coded they will be around £100 that's what there where on my BMW
  3. thank you for your information not had the car long but bought it at a lower enough price and it drives superb. Jaguar didnt say they found anything else with the car since they had it up in the air so will look into having the sills welded lucky i work in the aut0motive trade for a tyre wholesale company so should find some one to do it on the cheap side
  4. My cdc has started to mute and then unmute when its been stood over night and then started in the morning im putting it down to not driving it much and condensation it goes away and works fine after 5 mins of being on. Is this whats happening with yours?
  5. cheers new mirror ordered bargin price of £18 and its in my colour code
  6. Hi guys, My xtype has been at the lovely jaguar dealership all day having locking wheel nuts removed which i didn't have the key for. While it was there for some unknown reason there technicians (mechanics) decided to jack my car up for reasons unknown to anyone. Well apparently there was a creaking and groaning from the car and they lowered it down and removed the jack and moved it to the mot ramp and lifted it on that. They have since informed me there is a thumb size hole in the outer sill just behind the drivers door. I wont portion blame to the jaguar technician or the dealership for the hole in the sill because i do not know if it was there previously both the front halfs of the outer sills have been replaced at some point so its fair to say that the rear portion could have been in just as much state as the front halfs. My question is how much roughly should i be paying to have this hole cut out and repaired? Is it worth replacing both halfs o/s and n/s? since the front has been repaired is it worth just removing both the whole length of the car and having two new sills welded in? Also what kind of prices would I be looking at
  7. Will the electric connector fit aswell
  8. Hi need some advice pretty quick, parked my jaguar x type up outside my mums house tonight went in saw my mum for a while came out and found out some lovely person had smashed my wing mirror off. Been looking on ebay and have found a replacement unit in the same colour code as mine the only difference is the replacement one is electric folding and my car isn't fitted with electric folding mirrors can i still fit it and will it still plug into the harness
  9. Hi need some advice pretty quick, parked my jaguar x type up outside my mums house tonight went in saw my mum for a while came out and found out some lovely person had smashed my wing mirror off. Been looking on ebay and have found a replacement unit in the same colour code as mine the only difference is the replacement one is electric folding and my car isn't fitted with electric folding mirrors can i still fit it and will it still fit?
  10. not in alfreton no but in derby yes http://www.cibmotorsjaguar.co.uk/
  11. Ripley derbyshire
  12. My new jag x type 2.5
  13. In regards to the excitor ring I believe they are actually referring to the abs ring that is atttached and rotates sending a signal via the abs sensor it detects if the wheel is actuall locked up or rotating depending on a magnetic signal from the ring and the abs sensor if the abs ring is Brocken it will not detect the movement and throw the abs lights up
  14. Derbyshire
  15. Hello is anyone using Bosch retro fit area flat blades or is it just worth getting some standard wipers ?
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