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  1. Good morning Paul,

    I see from the post archive, you had a problem with fumes getting into the cabin. You managed to fix it yourself with a length of flexi pipe. How big a job was this? I read you took the front bumper off. Its my first jaguar and Im an unhealthy 56 yrs old. I used to do all my own repairs and servicing etc, mainly due to financial constraints but the last few years have seen me do less and less. Although, just before I had the S type, I had a E270 merc to which I fitted new front pads and discs, so not quite ready for the Knackers yard. So what do you think? How long did it take you? Can you remember?

    I had a trip to near Dudley yesterday for a late friends funeral and the missus was not happy about it. Even with the recirculate button on 99% of the time.

  2. Good morning everyone, Just to let you know, I still haven't sorted out my problem with the drivers seat. Ever since I set it up for my position, it doesn't move at all when I insert or remove the ignition key. I've tried the methods already passed on to me, to no avail. Just wondering if anyone else had any ideas. It's really aggravating because I bet it's so simple to sort. I would be immensely grateful for the correct fix.
  3. I remember putting 2 star in my NSU Quickly and adding a couple of squirts of two stroke oil from the forecourt pump. I think it was about 20:1. Those were the days, eh. Chris
  4. Thanks guys, I think its got to be a dose of terra clean and then a change of fuel. I shall look for the premium diesel in future. Its a nice car, drives well.
  5. I'll have to have a look at the Terracleaning video. There does seem to be a feeling that paying a bit more for diesel will give better results. I would normally go for the cheapest I can find, like Asda or Tesco. If I decide to change, is there an out and out best. I thought diesel was diesel. Whats the difference? Im old enough to remember filling up with 2,3 or 4 star petrol but I didn't realise diesel was graded.
  6. Thanks for that Pete, sounds like the car's doing ok then. I have seen on the internet, ways of improving MPG e.g. Terracleaning or some magic black box that can be plugged in. What are your thoughts on these? Are they scams or do they actually have mileage in them?
  7. I've had my S Type a few weeks now and I'm struggling to get an average of 35mpg. I do an average of 200 miles per week to and from work. 98% of that is 60 to 70 mph on A38. Add another 50 miles a week tops, around town driving. How am I doing? Could it be better?
  8. Whats the deal with S Types and retro fit folding mirrors? I saw somewhere in this that it's easy on X types but not on S types.
  9. Hi everyone, I live in the Alfreton area of Derbyshire. I was wondering about club meets and events. Is there anything coming up?
  10. Hi Ryan, thanks for that. Have you used these people or is it just word of mouth? Somebody else had mentioned Elite and Performance on Stores Rd. I think C.I.B. look more likely. Anyway, its my first Jag so I hope S Types are ok. I've had a couple of Mercs previous. A C class then an E class. Both ok. The Jag is nicer to drive, by some way. My E 270 was a bit agricultural compared to this V6 diesel. What do you drive?
  11. Does anyone know a fair and trusted Jaguar mechanic in the Alfreton area? I'm struggling with this memory seat issue.
  12. Hi Paul, Thanks for the thought. I'll try that next time I'm in the car. I've got to say, its the first time I've joined an owners forum and you all seem to be very helpful.
  13. Thanks for the reply Dave. I have actually looked at that and found how that works. Nice touch. Saw it on youtube. My seat still doesn't move though. Almost wish I'd not adjusted it now. Wasn't that far off in the first place. Must be something simple I'm missing. I'll keep trying .
  14. Hi everyone, I'm a first time Jag owner, (long time coming) and I've had it 5 days now. When I first got it, the drivers seat and steering wheel moved backward and forwards when the key was put in and removed. I liked that, helped get in and out. I set the memory for my seat and saved it. Since then, they don't retract when the key is removed. What have I done wrong? All help is gratefully received.
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