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  1. Yes I think that's the plan. Pay a bit more money and get a good low mileage one with a full service history. That's great to hear Straycat. I'm pleased you've enjoyed yours. I have liked the S Type since it was launched. So as soon as my company car goes back one of these is top of the list.
  2. Yes I think that's the plan. Pay a bit more money and get a good low mileage one with a full service history.
  3. Hi Peter, Well if you are going to buy nearly new that's the way to do it. That's a massive saving on the new price. Just looking on Auto trader there are plenty of S Types. Some look like they've had a hard life but are very cheap whilst others look like they have hardly ever ventured out of the garage. I think I would probably be avoiding the cheap ones and going for something which has been looked after with good service history and lowish mileage.
  4. Thanks Peter. Yes I have heard the sills can be an issue. I think I will be in the unusual position of going from one car to two when I retire. My wife thinks my company car is her car ! As I don't use it for work she gets sole use of it most of the week. I have been told that a happy marriage equals 2 cars when I give up work ! Thing is I don't think either will do massive mileage so it seems a pity to buy 2 new or nearly new run of the mill cars which will be sitting there depreciating. Anyway I've always liked these and have always fancied a Jag. Never managed one due to 30 years of company cars.
  5. Thanks Dave. Glad your has worked out well. I'm hoping to take early retirement within the next year or so and will be handing back my company car when I do.
  6. Hi, We will soon need to have access to 2 cars. I was thinking of a nearly new first car but the second car will be a nice to have really which won't cover high mileage. I'd expect a fair amount of town driving but some occasional longer journeys. I'm wondering if a decent S Type would potentially be a reliable proposition for the second car rather than go for something newer which is going to depreciate heavily. I'd be prepared to pay reasonable money to get a good low mileage one with service history. I've always liked these cars. I would want a petrol auto but flexible on the engine size. Do you guys think this is a viable proposition as a second vehicle compared to a newer car ? Or is a money pit a strong possibility ? Any advice appreciated Thanks
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