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About paul65

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  1. Hi, can anyone tell me if a driver's side door on a 2010 xf would fit a 2014 xf .
  2. hi everyone, i have noticed when it's damp or frosty and i put my car into reverse in the cold or frost my speaker gives out a loud beep goes off and my sensor count down beeps fail to come on but in normal weather works fine anyone any ideas thanks.
  3. Hi everyone , I have put this question up before got a reply but need someone who has may be had this problem before. I have a 2.0 L diesel when I start my engine from cold it starts ok but when the engine gets warm it struggles to start but the hotter the engine gets the harder is to start as anyone got any ideas any suggestions would be appreciated. many thanks Paul65.
  4. Hi Peter, it's Paul i was wondering if you could help me with a query my car is a 2.0 S D 2007

    i am trying to buy two front coil springs. now i didn't relies that there was coil springs for 

    x types with sport suspension , without and comfort , do you have any idea if mine has

    sport suspension i know the S in the S D is obvious but does it still come with sport suspension.



    1. Old Peter

      Old Peter

      Hi Paul,

      I am unsure about the mechanics, not getting under cars any more, but I think Denis [The Jag Man] will certainly know and even source what you need.

      You could message him.

      Sorry I can't assist on this ne.



    2. paul65


      Hi peter, no that's great i appreciate you taking the time to answer my query i

      will message The Jag Man.

                                                   thanks again for your help.


  5. Hi Joe, it's paul65 i hope you don't mind me sending this question direct to you.

    my car is a x type 2.0 S D 2007 i know this may sound silly but do you know if

    my car has sport suspension has i have found out that trying to buy two front coil springs

    as options of with or without sport suspension and comfort can you help



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JOE-DOT-COM
    3. JOE-DOT-COM
    4. paul65


      thanks joe again for  your valuable information.

                                                 all best


  6. Hi, again this may be a obvious question , on my log it says my x type is a 2.0 S D does this mean I have sports suspension , has I need to replace my drivers side front coil spring but I am changing both but when I started looking I noticed there was coil springs for without sport suspension , comfort , and of course with sports suspension and I know it says S D on my log book but does it come with sports suspension.
  7. Hi Peter, thanks again for your reply on my query on the leaping cat

    sorry for the late reply thanks again.


  8. Hi. O.T.H thanks for taking the time to answer my query on the leaping cat and the photo

    sorry for the late reply thanks again


  9. Hi Joe, many thanks for taking the time for answering my question on the leaping cat for my

    x type bonnet I will look at one of those thanks again.

  10. Hi Peter, many thanks for taking the time to answer my question on the leaping cat for my x type bonnet

    you say you got a stick on one I must admit I haven't seen a stick on one where did you get that Peter

    if you don't mind me asking.

  11. thanks to you both joe and peter for the information, Peter you say you got a stick on one I have looked at loads of leaping cats but I must admit I haven't seen a stick on one where did you get that peter if you don't mind me asking.
  12. Hi everyone i am THINKING of may be putting a leaping cat on my x type but will this be a problem as i thought these were not allowed unless it breaks off or retreats under the bonnet in case of a accident god forbid a pedestrian is involved any one with any thoughts.
  13. Hi Peter, it's paul65 sorry to inform you that i can't make tomorrow something out of my control has cropt up i

    really apologise for the short notice was really looking forward to taking the jag out for a run.


    1. Old Peter

      Old Peter

      Thanks for letting me know Paul.  These things happen.

      There will be other occasions.



  14. Hi Peter, something i have noticed you were right on the swansway garages on the map it looks you come down crewe rd left onto gateway i have no idea if google aps are right on this what do you think. thanks paul
  15. Thanks Peter, for getting back to me on this i will do that looking forward to the day outlokking forward to it.
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