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  1. Joe, Thanks for a lot of help, Turns out you were right, water leak in the radiator, oil leak in the rocker cover! Just under £800 in repairs: great one!
  2. So im going to get a new battery today, and Yeah the fan kicks in but im unsure whilst driving
  3. Hi, thanks mate Im going to change the battery on monday and install a trickle charger next month. I love the s type in all honesty, and cant wait to have her running+
  4. Hello guys, Im a new s-type owner (at 21 so pretty young for a 3.0 v6!) And im having some issues. So initially theres a battery drama in which some, not all of the eletrics arent working (code -----1) on radio, cutting out etc. I assume this is a bad battery as ive driven 70 miles with it and it still cuts out. Then the second issue was i drove about 50 miles and it was fine in reference to temperature, then i stopped briefly to pick up a friend and drove about 2 miles to tesco doing around 70-80 and when id got to tesco and parked everything was stil fine. Then id started !Removed! about with the buttons to see whatd worked with the car running and whilst i was mucking around with the a/c and heated seats i randomly seen the car was overheating and i got what i assume is "limp" mode and it stated it was cutting engine power. I then had a friendnotice id had a SMALL amount if smoke/steam coming close from my side of the bonnet, so i pop the bonnet and its gone. Turns the engine off and on and it was fine for a minute but started steam/smoking clear smoke however a small amount, as i got out the car again the smoke had stopped. Im yet to check the fluids as im away untill monday but has anyone got any ideas? Its a 2001 3.0 v6 and im unsure if the head gasket would go driving 80mph
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