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Arthur_Daley last won the day on March 7 2017

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  1. Phoned the dealership yesterday and they told me they are going to pay me the £99 it cost me to have the windscreen washer tank cleaned out . So have to wait for the cheque to arrive...
  2. Thanks Pete, Kwik fit are telling me the dealership pulled a fast one and vice versa! Still not heard back about the screen washer being refunded! I guess I won't be going to Kwik fit again!
  3. The dealership phoned me today and said that the car was checked over when they sold it to me, and that Kwik fit conned me into getting all the things done. He said they will look into it ONLY If I can show them the used parts Kwik fit replaced, and that the paperwork I have for the repairs is no good to them! He will however look into getting me a refund for the washer being cleaned out by the main dealer
  4. Well, wrote them a letter last night and posted it just now, I was polite but listed the main faults I had to put right, I'm now going to have to wait to see what they say.....
  5. Thanks, took the car to the local Jag dealer on Saturday and they found out that the water tank for the windscreen washers was full of gunk and they had to remove it, clean it out and put it back. I have kept the paper work and am going to write to the dealership I bought it from and tell them about what I have had to do to the car, and ask them what the intend to do about it
  6. Thanks for the tip, the dealership is in surrey and has been going 113 years, it has new car showrooms, and a used car one, where i got the jag from. I got it serived at kwik fit, and it was mostly advisorys, which i had done, but the main thing was the brake pads were below the legal limit. I have kept the receepot and invocie, tomorro im getting a new motor for the windscreen washer, as only one nozel works and this is very weak too
  7. Thanks for the tips, I guess you have to shop around a lot
  8. Thanks all the same, but as i said in the first post, I got them from a website
  9. Thanks, i guess its a case of shopping around?
  10. Hello, i bought my first jag ( an x type) from a dealership in epsom ( i live in kent) a few weeks ago. When i looked at the car, i noticed a hole in the bumper at the rear, and the dealer told me it was where the reflector should be, but was missing, I asked him if he would put in a new one, and he said "no our workshop only fits parts for safety reasons", so after i picked the car up i looked around online for a new pair (as the other rear bumper reflector was damaged) Oh EBAY i found them going for £15 to £40 each plus postage. I found a spare parts site where i got a few quotes one being for £37 , where the seller rang me to say the parts for x type jags are very rare and £37 was a steal, if i did not buy it there and then, he would charge me £42 if i rang back, so i basically told him where he could stick it! In the end i got a quote for £58 including postage fort a set of two, which fitted the car perfectly! I noticed that the indicator lense on the left hand wing mirror was slightly cracked, and had a small hole in. One trder online offered me a second hand one for £90, telling me they were no longer made. I rang the local main jaguar dealer, and was told they were still available and also in stock, and i got one brand new for £16! he could have sold me two brand new bumper reflectors for £58 (inc VAT) So my question is, do i try the main dealer first, or are all the second hand parts places out to rip people off?
  11. Thanks Peter, being a MINDER fan (hence the name) I have wanted a jag for years!
  12. Hi Tom Thanks very much for the tips, i am most grateful! trouble is, i am laid up after having an ingrowing toe nail removed, so can't drive her at the moment! If it had been my left foot, it would have been no problem, but alas its my right foot! I only do about 4 miles to work and back each day, but plan to open her up on the motorway on weekends. Thanks again for the tips!
  13. Hello, Finally bought my first Jag 3 weeks ago, a 58 plate x type 2.2 litre diesel automatic, after always owning hatchback for the last 20 years, as well as manuals and diesels, it is a bit different to drive, to say the least! finally got the log book back from the DVLA last week, so was able to put my personalised plate on it, so now it feels like "my" car finally, i thought i would register here.
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