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  1. Well I thank you both for your advice. Its much appreciated. On the back of your advice I think I will just get rid of it and save me any hassle or potential issues in trying to sell. Regards Karl
  2. Hello everyone, I'm hoping I can get a bit of advice from you guys. I very recently sold my 2010 Jaguar XF. Upon clearing out my garage today with the bit of sunshine we were blessed with, I found my spare full sized 20" Sentra alloy complete with new tyre thats never touched the road. The alloy is by no means new, it's has been kerbed once or twice and I have also had a small crack repaired. Now the question is, does it hold any value worth trying to sell? Or should I just scrap it? I'm a bit reluctant to do so if it will be of any use to someone and I can get a bit of money for it? Thanks in advance for any advice.
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