I took my old Jag off the road many years ago to do some repairs.
Then i got offered a Toyota quite cheap, and the Jag got left.
Then the rules changed and you had to 'Declare Sorn' if you took a vehicle off the road,
when i rang them they said it didnt matter if its already off the road.
Then the rules changed again, you had to get it SORN even if its already off the road.
Then i got made redundant, now ive got a bit of free time,
so i'd like to get my old Jag running again.
But i'm a bit worried about the number.
I asked the lady at DVLA about it years ago and she i would have to have a new number.
Which i dont really want.
I rang yesterday and asked if the number would be the same and she said yes the car
would keep the same number.
Has anyone else got any experience with this sort of thing ?
I've just started filling out a V62 form.
Regards, John :)