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Ex-SL Man

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  1. I have for sale a car cover for the XK (X150) convertible, made by Classic Additions - their 'Ultimate Outdoor Car Cover', which Classic Additions will sell you for £200. It is absolutely brand new, unused, and has never been out of its storage bag. It is an unwanted gift, and one year old, so it hasn't been on a shelf for twenty years... I can't take a picture, because I no longer have an XK to hang it on, and I suspect I'd never get it back in the bag neatly anyway... It is no use to me now, so has to go. I'd have thought it would make an ideal Christmas present for somebody, and I'd think it ought to be worth perhaps £150 or so. Make me an offer...
  2. Good evening all. The headlamp washers in my '07 X150 (18K miles) are not working. The pump runs perfectly on the bench, but not on the car. I'm wondering where to start fiddling with it first. Is there by any chance a relay, in the Power Distribution Box, which is the last component in the circuit before the pump itself? If so, can anyone tell me how to get at said Power Distribution Box? I can't find it in the Workshop Manual...
  3. Thanks Joe. I have a workshop manual, but I haven't found any general arrangement exploded diagrams yet, just removal and refitting instructions for particular parts. Oh for a Haynes...
  4. As I get round to tidying up the '07 XK, which had a minor front end shunt not too long ago, it turns out that though the bumper skin and beam have been replaced, the two parts behind the beam (12 and 13 in the picture) have not. That may rather explain the mess of loose wiring, then... I don't suppose anybody has a pic, or knows where there is one on t'net, of an X150 XK front view with the bumper removed? It would make life easier if I knew what it SHOULD look like... And while I'm on, the front parking sensor loom is also missing. The sensors are there, but not the loom; bodging git! Can anybody tell me the part number I need?
  5. Mileage is confirmed. I've been in touch with the Irish dealer who sold it; they will also send me the service history (one owner, bought 1/1/2007; serviced Aug 2008, Jan 2010, May 2012, Jun 2013 and Aug 2015. The odometer reading at the last service was 24239 km (15,150 miles). I won't tell you how little I paid for it, but it was cheap cheap CHEAP (no service history, needing minor bodywork, mileage unverified). Even allowing for £900 for the bodywork and a machine polish (finished tomorrow or Friday), and a few other bits and pieces, it's very much a result. Pics to follow. I'm a happy bunny, believe me.
  6. Thanks Joe, but mine's a 2007. HOWEVER... I found the exploded diagram I wanted on a US supplier's website (Jaguar Parts International), and further digging found that they also list part numbers. Whoopee! Using that info, I can be sure that I get what I need, not what some (other...) hopeful thick-fingered numpty thinks he can palm me off with.
  7. SNG = NBG... (as far as exploded diagrams go, at least). I found the diagram, though without part numbers, on an American spare parts website. I think I'll see if Powerbell (local indie) can let me have a look, and take a pic or two, under the front of an XK up on a ramp if they have one in soon, just so I can visualise what I need, then I can start ringing round the breakers.
  8. The '07 XK I recently bought had been in a minor shunt in its previous incarnation in Ireland (and yes, the price reflected this), and the bumper undertray and the plastics attached to it had not been replaced. I'll look for a full set of these bits from the various specialist breakers (unless anyone on here has them sitting around doing nothing, he said hopefully - but not expectantly...), but it would be very helpful if I knew exactly what I need. Can anyone tell me where I can find exploded diagrams, ideally with part numbers as well? Will a paid subscription to TOPIx get me what I want, and are private individuals eligible anyway?
  9. See the next thread down...
  10. I'm looking for a Rottweiler with AIDS... If the trick worked with the Mercedes, it might well work with the Jaguar. My '08 E-class has a rolling code set-up, as did my '03 and '04 E-classes before it, so I assume that one recently taken had no lesser security features, but it went. If the scanner can capture the code, the Keyless Go and Keyless Start will surely both recognise it? Re your previous post, it's a bit tricky checking the car is locked unless you put the key fob down some distance away. Is there any way of locking the car without using the key fob? Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean everybody isn't out to get me...
  11. I'd have said the image of the BMW driver had improved in recent years; it's the Audis that are most driven by unpleasant, pushy people you wouldn't want to invite to dinner these days.
  12. I've just been reading on another forum of a theft of a car with Keyless Go, by the thieves detecting and amplifying the key signal from outside the house. How secure is the Jaguar system on my '07 XK? Perhaps it's time to go back in time and invest in a Disklok...
  13. So that's one less lunatic on the roads for six months or so. Better than nothing.
  14. Thank you, gentlemen. A couple more minor faults have shown up; the air conditioning doesn't, and the aerial mast has partially seized. I'll add some R134a and see if that sorts the aircon out, but despite copious oiling and cleaning, the aerial is too stiff for the motor to extend or retract it fully before it cuts out. I expect that masts are readily available. For the wheels, there's a firm in NW London that advertises on eBay - £360 exchange for a set of refurbished wheels, including swapping over the tyres - so I think I'll try them. Pictures will follow once it's sorted. Dennis
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