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Luca Manni

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  1. my name on cover page + 6 pages inside about my XKR
  2. the official UK magazine of exclusive club XKEC
  3. you will see the article of my car on the XKEC magazine called "Growler" of December 2016. it's all in English! http://www.thexkec.co.uk/about-us/growler-magazine/
  4. https://issuu.com/landitalia/docs/jagmag03_low si può leggere su il mio annuncio XKR tutti gli aggiornamenti dalla pagina 44 e della mia visita a Don Legge di corsa a partire da pagina 68. solo lenguage ITALIANA.
  5. hi at all, the technical center BILSTEIN Italy (www.ntp.it/english/home.html ) has developed for me a Full Adjustable Road & Track suspension kit with 10 settings for the damper. Using ERS Eibach springs and Bilstein dampers B16 PSS10. I have this kit from few months and I must say that it is extremely quiet, it has a great grip and maintains optimum comfort. The adjustments on the front shocks are inside the bonnet, very easy. The adjustment of the rear shock absorbers ( that have the 40mm rod! ) are in the lower part, it is not necessary to lift the car to adjust, just lie down and with two fingers to rotate the ferrule that remains inside the old support for the spring . Anyone want this kit, please send an email to: [email protected] the price is 3795 Euro + VAT but I've got a special 15% discount for all my friends and fans XK8 / XKR 1996-2006 If you are interested in even the discount, when you send the order, write MANNI CONFIGURATION and sends the email also to me for information ( Cc.) [email protected] and will automatically discount!
  6. sincerely, from Jaguar brand enthusiast, I consider it a mere marketing operation.
  7. these photos relate to the kit a few minutes before installing on my car. in the first test car was scary! has an incredible road holding in the wet at high speed! The design of this kit is Maurizio Somma ( [email protected] ) and he is committed to a discount to forum members Jaguar.
  8. I want to inform that it will soon be ready a OHLINS adjustable suspension kit ultra-high performance for Jaguar XK8/XKR. This kit is similar at the one installed on PAGANI ZONDA R ! For to know more, you can contact: if you want ask more about this kit, contact: OHLINS Italia by Andreani Group (http://www.andreanigroup.com/it/home-page.aspx?idC=61642&LN=it-IT ) Mr. Maurizio SOMMA Automotive R&D Dept. Manager [email protected]
  9. http://carlive.wordpress.com/category/todas-as-marcas/jaguar/ find me also on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/luca.manni
  10. hi, i have a jaguar XKR 4.2 coupè year 2005 and in my car i have LPG conversion. The car is fast like stock and i'm very happy! i was also on TOP GEAR MAGAZINE for this! you can see it on my Facebook account: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1218400143557.71674.1335495681&type=3 LPG system : IMEGA EVO
  11. :D me , my Jag and my HD http://carlive.wordpress.com/category/todas-as-marcas/jaguar/ add me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/luca.manni
  12. COMPLETE SPORT EXHAUST + 200 CELLS SPORT CAT… DONE! http://www.bartolimarmitte.com/ REMAPPING ECU …. DONE! http://www.hfracing.it/ CARBON DINAMIC AIRBOX …. DONE! http://www.bmcairfilters.com/carbon-dynamic-airbox%2faccdasp-53_d1089_1.aspx POLYURETHANE BUSHES …. DONE! http://www.powerflex.co.uk/products/XK8+XK8R-2611/1.html WHEELS SPACERS …. DONE! http://www.h-r.com/gb/f_produktsuche.php LSD DIFFERENTIAL … DONE! http://www.quaife.co.uk/shop/products/qdf5w PTFE treatment… DONE! http://www.sintoflon.com/prodotti/automotive-motore-et/ http://www.sintoflon.com/prodotti/automotive-cambio-automatico-kit-trattamento-cambio-automatico/
  13. Welcome to the Jaguar forums Luca Manni :)

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