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  1. Had the battery and alternator checked and everything's good. Also, the fault has occurred four times now and every time it's been after an hour or few hours of long-distance driving at motorway speed, so low battery doesn't seem to be a likely cause. Is it easy to check the voltage output from the accelerator pedal position sensor or is it expensive to replace this part? Would it make sense to do this? I can't think what else to do.
  2. Thanks Joe. I had read a weak battery can cause the symptoms. I'll check it out.
  3. Having encountered the limp-home mode with "engine system fault, parking brake fault, DSC not available" messages on 3 occasions within 1000 miles on my 2007 3.0 S-Type Jaguar, I had a garage change the complete throttle body assembly. Having read in many posts and forums this part is eye-wateringly expensive, I was amazed to find it cost just £181 from Jaguar in the UK. By the way, it seems Jaguar re-designed the air-intake system on later models of this car, because the throttle body on mine is centrally located on top of the engine, away from any moisture source, whereas it's reported to be right at the back of the engine block on earlier models where it catches lots of rain run-off from the windscreen. However, in spite of replacing the throttle body, the fault came back again last week, 700 miles after the TB replacement. The DTC is P2135 - Accelerator pedal position (APP) throttle position (TP) sensor switch A/B voltage correlation". I'd be very grateful if someone could tell me what is likely to be still causing the fault condition.
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