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  1. Hi Joe, Further to our earlier conversation, by chance I think I've answered my own question...On ebay I came across a sunroof motor which had a plug attached which looked suspiciously like the one we're talking about so I reckon it's a sunroof connector. My car does not have a sunroof though. Logically if that is the case it surely must have wiring for the mirror. Looking at the connector from the loom into the overhead console it has a hell of a lot of wiring some of which matches the stump of wiring left on the mirror. On the overhead console there is an unused male connector. Does the short loom from the mirror plug into this I wonder ? Anyone with an autodim mirror would be able to confirm this. I've spoken to Jag dealerships, breakers and specialists to get clarification but not one has spoken any sense. If you can help on this one I would be grateful. Also do you have any idea where I can get this short loom (the one in your photo ) ? as I havn't seen one on ebay and I can't seem to get anyone to understand what I want ! Please see attachments for photos. Regards Tony
  2. Hi Joe, I'll see what I can do in the next day or two. It's a difficult one to get a photo of since there's virtually no give to pull it further fwd and it's partially obscured by the other wiring. Thanks for your interest. Tony
  3. Hi, Would anyone know what this unused connector behind the insulation would be used for ? It's in the roof void pictured through the overhead console aperture on my 2007 s-type 2.7 XS. Started a conversation with JOE-COM last year who kindly sent me a photo of the auto-dim mirror wiring connector. I was rather hoping this would be the connector to retro fit the mirror but since they both seem to be female I guess not. I have been lucky with the pre-wiring for other options but may have come unstuck on this one unless someone can advise otherwise. I know a new windscreen would be req'd but would like to know what connector is for anyway. Any advice greatly appreciated... Regards all. Tony
  4. Hi Russ, I used Berkshire Jag for some cosmetic bits some time ago and they were very good. Always useful to know if someone has had good service somewhere.
  5. I miss the Autodim mirror I've had on previous cars. I've recently found a taped up connector attached to the wiring loom to the overhead console. Only found it by chance as it's well hidden and the loom has little free-play. As my S-Type is a late '57 I'm guessing this may be the pre-wiring for either a sunroof or the Autodim function. I appreciate the mirror fitments are different but does anyone have any knowledge about the wiring and if the screen has to be replaced ? I did read somewhere of a guy who had succeeded in fixing the new mirror and blanking off the wiring but I've also read removing the std mirror fitment is fraught with danger of cracking the screen. I dont really need the rain-sensing function so would the Auto-dim function still work with this feature being redundant ? Any help really appreciated.
  6. Wow Laz, I'd like to know how you have accumulated this amount of detail on the finer points of bushing. Sounds like a lifetimes' work. Just a shame I can't find anyone out there with the same degree of knowledge when I need stuff replacing. Great read though. I'll start a new thread about the mirror. Thanks. Russ 68, With regards to the costs, yeah I suppose if you do some digging and have faith you might be able to save some £ by buying off t'internet but when someone else is going to fit the parts, I'd live in fear of the dreaded phonecall that it's the wrong part no. Then it's the hassle trying to sort it out whilst the car's on a ramp in bits. Mind you that's nothing compared to telling the wife that the car's not going to be fixed by the end of the day !
  7. Hi, Sorry about delay in replying Russ68 & Lazlo. Eventually had the job done by local specialist; Front hockey-stick bushes + rear upper & lower wishbones replaced.Cost a grand including labour & the dreaded VAT. 3 hrs labour wasn't bad, it's the silly cost of the parts or more accurately that the arms need replacing at all. You wouldn't replace the alloys 'cos the tyres are shot ! Anyway thanks guys. BTW. I was considering replacing the front windscreen & upgrading to the auto-dim mirror. Seems the wiring is a concern but after some investigative work I've discovered at least one, maybe two taped-up connectors attached to the loom in the roof void...There's so little free movement it was just luck I spotted them at all. Being a late model I'm guessing all the wiring is present and I would assume there's supply for a sunroof and autodim mirrors. Would you know if that's likely correct ? Also I'm not bothered about the rain-sensing feature so would that have bearing on which mirror I obtain ? As always, any advice would be appreciated.
  8. Hi Guys, Just had some grim news from my local Jag specialist. Took in my 2.7 XS (2007) after some creaking from N/S/R. I expected it would be bushes but didn't expect the advice to replace the wishbones rather than re-bush. I can see their reasoning why it may be better but the costs involved are ridiculous. Kind of like replacing an alloy wheel 'cos the tyre's below the limit. Looking at the forums (Lazlo's) great post for instance, seems replacing the bushes on the lower wishbone at least is (relatively) straight forward. I don't have the knowledge, time, space or bottle to attempt this job myself but what's the general opinion on this ? I trust the specialists advice to a point but the costs are painful to say the least. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  9. Hi all, Just wondering if anybody out there can explain a query I have regarding the 18" Mercury alloys fitted to the S-type XS version, I currently have three different versions of this wheel,all concerning the spokes. On one wheel the spokes are relatively thin compared to the others, whilst on another the spokes have a relatively flat profile from hub to rim whilst the remainder have a noticeable profection and curve from hub to rim.You wouldn't necessarily notice unless you were looking but I would have thought that they would all be cast and therefore identicle. Is it different suppliers perhaps ?...Just interested if anyone knows.
  10. Hi Tony, A bit late to join the conversation I know. Ditto all the above advice but I also use Swissvax Cleaner Fluid after the clay bar. You think the paint is clean but the cleaner lifts even more filth from the surface and preps the paint for the application of wax. A good quality Carnauba wax is certainly the way to go. Hope this helps. Enjoy the shine !
  11. Sure thing Paul. I've replied to your message but I'll send again just to be sure! Car is 2.7d XS Auto, 57 plate, 62k. Lunar grey metallic, Mercury Alloys, Factory-fit body kit, Sports suspension, Two tone interior black/ivory or antelope. Nav, Bluetooth, Heated seats & front screen. Would really like a number of retro-fits (especially the one's that Jaguar say "can't be done") ! Just waiting to get a decent photo and I'll post it up. Thankyou all.
  12. Hi Guys, On my 3rd S-Type XS now. Sold 1st one, missed it, bought 2nd - written off by blind juggernaught driver and currently on 3rd. So far all ok! Must say the depth of knowledge on this forum is astounding. Why can't I find this whenever I ask a question at the stealership I wonder ? Look forward to meeting you... Regards.
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