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Everything posted by Sedateme

  1. Hi Daryl, welcome to the club. I've recently purchased my first Jag as well. I suppose like with any used car it takes a bit investment at the start... but it's so worth it!
  2. Welcome to the club Jim! I'm new here too.
  3. Fail! It looks like there is no way of getting a 2 DIN unit into the space, not sure how a 1 din would look. I'm pretty sure there is no Bluetooth, don't suppose you have any instructions for the installation? (I may be getting out of my depth here)
  4. I had mine serviced by Jaguar yesterday, the guy that collected my car got lost because the satnav in his XF took him on a tour of north Manchester. Seems like they're not that great... having said that the system in our Hyundai I40 Tourer is also pretty poor. I use the TomTom app on my phone. I feel like a lot of factory systems are fitted as box ticking exercises rather than being quality systems.
  5. Nice cars guys.
  6. Thanks, I'm going to have a bash at fitting something up to date, I'll post details of how I get in... even if it's abject failure ;)
  7. Thanks Peter, I'm really happy with my choice. I can't believe I found one with only 55k miles on it. I'm about to try and fit a new head unit... wish me luck! Pete
  8. Thanks Trevor.
  9. Hi everyone. im really sorry to ask this as I've found a few threads on the subject. However I've not managed to find one that exactly fits what i'm seeing. my 53 plate s type doesn't have a touch screeen, there is a multi changer in the boot. Ive tried to get the phone working using the instructions here but typing in the #... code does nothing (apart from tune the radio to program 3). Does that mean the car doesn't have Bluetooth ? I've talked to a couple of local car stereo fitters who tell me an after market unit can be fitted if my system doesn't have an amplifier. I have also seen there are lots of jaguar touch screens on eBay. Retrofitting one of those is quite appealing as I like the idea of keeping the car looking authentic. How easy is that option? I've called Jaguar support but they were unable to answere any of the above questions. Any advice would be appreciated. Pete
  10. Hi all! I've just treated myself to S Type, it's 53 plate 3.0L SE. Naturally the first thing I did was look to the internet to help the two us get acquainted. This community looks really helpful and friendly, so I've joined!
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